Chapter 38| Lost Arm, Fiery Mess, Lightning Scars. Haven't we been here before?

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Two figures huddled in the cold night with stony faces, the air icier between them than the night's gale. The wind howled outside of the charred remains of the once sleek ship. It was a husk of its former self, whittled down to its barest form by flames.

Mere minutes ago, Palpatine had been relentless as he tore down the entire ship within a flurry of slashes of his lightsaber. All that remained intact from the ship was a small beacon, the size of Palpatine's hand. Its red lights blinked on and off, a distress signal.

The brothers didn't speak. They sat on either side of the crumbling ship. The impotent walls of the ship were the only thing sheltering them from the chilly darkness. Predune shivered as he pulled his blanket up his chin and rested his weary head against the wall. His eyes closed as he winced in pain.

Palpatine remained alert, his eyes on the gaping opening of the ship. His eyes never lingered for long, they kept scanning the terrain, watching for any sort of movement. His hand was on his lightsaber.

"Is it 'due time' yet?" Predune asked.

Palpatine's eyes didn't tear away from the opening, "Due time for what?"

"For an explanation," Predune scowled, pulling the blanket around him tighter. He tried to catch his brother's gaze but failed.

"It's a long story," Palpatine said shortly, barely even glancing at his brother.

"And I'm sure we have a long time before they get here." Predune motioned with his head towards the distress beacon. "Look, Mairda's' fast but she's not that fast."

Palpatine sighed deeply as he turned his neck to face his brother. He made direct eye contact with him and didn't take a single breath. "I am an apprentice to a secret Sith Lord who has a knack for opera, and I am teaming up with this Sith Lord to find the secret to immortality." Palpatine paused and gave him a hard look, "Good enough for you?"

Predune laughed and then he winced, "You're serious?"

"Absolutely." Palpatine said with absolute certainty.

"And I thought you couldn't get more lame." Predune's lips curled.

"Lame?" Palpatine threw his blanket to the floor, stood up and stalked over to his brother. He stood over Predune. His eyes were as hard as ice. "I saved you. If I were you, I would be careful talking to your savior like that."

"First, you are the one who cut off my arm, savior." Predune strained to lift a burnt finger. "Second, you're a professional liar and have been one since we were kids."

"I did what I had to do," Palpatine snarled.

"I don't know what exactly you're mixed up in, Sheev, but you're not yourself," Predune said with a hint of worry.

"I told you exactly what I'm 'mixed up in'. And for your information--without you hovering over me--I've been myself more than I've ever been. And what I'm 'mixed up in' is far more important than your pitiful life with your pitiful husband and your pitiful children to be." Palpatine spat, "You're destined for nothing. Absolutely nothing. While I...I am destined for greatness beyond what you can possibly comprehend."

Predune scoffed, "And you are destined to die alone. Your success will die with you and everything you have ever built up will amount to nothing, will be passed on to nothing."

"You're assuming a lot of things are going to go wrong if you seriously believe I lack that much charm." Palpatine scowled at him and crossed his arms firmly over his chest. The blood was beginning to rise to his cheeks. His fingers twinged as his hand hung low by his waist, beside his lightsaber.

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