Chapter 13| Adventures of a Soon to be Sith & a Disgruntled Killer Spider Cyborg

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Palpatine tossed another dead furry Kaet to Buddy as they were kneeled on a rooftop spying on the Grand Jedi Temple. He had a plan although with Jedi involved there was always...uncertainties.

Buddy dug its long fangs into the dead Kaet beginning the gruesome but rapid process of eating. Palpatine crinkled his nose and wretched a pair of binoculars from a knapsack Palpatine had taken. Apparently Plagueis had quite a resourceful number of materials in his lair. The knapsack held: a container of Dyru which was a very flammable sticky liquid, a smoke device, and a vibro blade among other things.

Palpatine imitated Plagueis in a nasal sounding voice, "Use the Force. Tap into your soul. You will sense the object we seek. You shall know where the Force is leading you." He exhaled loudly as he zoomed in the binoculars, "How am I supposed to know what it looks like?"

Buddy was slurping gory fluids out of the dead Kaet very loudly.

"Hush, you beast," Palpatine hissed at it.

It clicked its pincers loudly in retort. Palpatine scoffed. "Look I don't particularly want to be on a mission with you either," Palpatine shot back.

The arachnid had a language, primitive but similar to an intelligent arachnid species that lived in Wild Space, the Arachi.

Palpatine's academy had briefly touched on some languages in Wild Space. Although he couldn't speak much Arachid, he could certainly comprehend Buddy's intent, especially its snider comments. Buddy was able to understand Basic as well.

I can do this on my own, without a nasty cyborg. Why was Plagueis so insistent I go with...this thing?

Palpatine threw a scathing glance in Buddy's direction. He stood up and pocketed the binoculars. Palpatine swung his leg over a sleek dark speeder hovering over the rooftop. Palpatine hit the ignition and the engine roared to life.

"Get in, you creepy little thing," Palpatine commanded Buddy.

Buddy hissed before reluctantly scuttling to the seat next to Palpatine. It extended a mechanical arm, blue electricity sparked, and it zapped Palpatine's leg.

Palpatine hissed in pain and his neck snapped to his side. Buddy let out a hiss-like chuckle.

Palpatine leaned in towards Buddy's eight biotech eyes and told it in a low voice, "I'll hurl you off this speeder if you don't cease your childish antics."

As Buddy's response its mechanical limbs withdrew into itself. Its organic parts retreated into its durosteel armor, closing itself off from Palpatine's threats. To an onlooker it would appear that Palpatine was transporting a durosteel box, not a killer spider cyborg.

Palpatine glanced at it. I could throw it over...but it's one of Plagueis's first creations. He dotes upon it. No...I better not. Palpatine hit the gas and merged into the great mass of red speeder taillights.

Coruscant traffic was renowned for its terrible drivers and dangerous high speeds. Palpatine dodged multiple careening speeders.

Palpatine decided it would be best to turn on his traffic HoloComm when he reached a tricky intersection. Traffic droids were swarming the area, but many speeders disregarded them and zipped ahead. He instantly regretted it when other speeders began to scream various galactic profanity over the HoloComm.

Palpatine hit the off switch only a few moments later. Even then, he could still hear subdued curse words being shouted all around him.

From behind he heard a nasal voice shouting, "HEY YOU FARKER! GET GOING!" The very rude being accelerated its speeder and bumped into the rear of Palpatine's speeder. Buddy stirred slightly beside him, peeking at least four of its biotech eyes out of its boxlike form.

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