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Next morning I went early to the office and quite naturally I was the first one to enter the workspace. Everything was as it is as we left it yesterday but there was one addition in the room. A gift box with my name written on it.

'For Destiny'

Strange. Who left a gift box this early in the morning and that too on my name?! Curiosity got the best of me. I opened the box. There was a gift wrapped thing and a box of donuts.

Donuts!!! My favourite. It's been ages since I had had donuts. Without thinking much I picked one chocolate frosted donut and took a bite of it. Oh My God. This is what you call a foodgasm. I finished the whole donut and then I found the need to find out the sender of the donuts and the book. There was a note in the box.

'I know my words and actions made you feel blue. Pardon me for letting you down.

-Yours N'

I know this handwriting. I know it very well. Noah. These gifts are from Noah. Great. Just great. Now, I'm indebted to him by one donut. Just then Luna entered.

"Hey, you are early. Wait! Who sent you these?"

"I don't know. There's no name mentioned.", I lied. Of course I'm not going to say that it's from our respected boss.

"Ooh. You have a secret admirer."

"Nothing like that, Luna."

"Then how will you explain this. What is this?" She picked up the gift wrapped thing and started to speculate it.

"Open it."

"No. I'm not interested."

"Did you hit your head on the way to the office? Just open it, Destiny."

I opened the gift wrap and it was 'Jane Eyre'. How did he know I like classic romantic novels? Whatever. I dumped the book in the box. Niall and Amelia entered then.

"Who brought those donuts?", Amelia said.

Before I could say anything, Luna said, "Our Destiny has got a secret admirer. He sent these donuts and a 'Jane Eyre'. Classic."

Niall said, "Oohh girl. Your charms have already started working."

"Nothing of that sort."

"Shut the fuck up. Have you seen yourself in the mirror. You are drop dead gorgeous."

"I don't want to get any attention. That's it."

"Weird girl."

"Ok fine, let's get back to work. I have to answer some of my mails."

"Let's get started."

The first thing I did after opening my mail was to send a mail to Noah.

Sub: Unnecessary trouble

Destiny Reynolds
Designer at Hephaestus

Came across an inferior thing in our work space. Found out it's a book and a box of donuts. There was also a note. Do you know anything about it?

Destiny's LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora