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The next day I woke up before her. She woke up twice in the middle of the night with tears in her eyes. What can I do to take the pain away. When I came out of the bathroom, Destiny was sitting on the bed.

"Hey babe, why are you awake? Go back to sleep. I already made you breakfast and Olivia will be here soon."

She just stared at me as if I have grown two horns. Her eyes were different today. Not sad, not blank but something else. Then she spoke.

"Where are you going?"

"I've some things to look after in office but I'll come back soon."

"I'll go with you."


"I said it nice and clear, Noah. I'll go to the office. I don't know what damage those fuckers did to the company and I'm not ready to give them the free lease to do whatever they feel like."

I was stunned. I knew she's strong but this is something else. "But you don't have to think about the company. I'll take care of it."

"Why shouldn't I? Am I not a part of the company?"

"Of course, you are. I'm just saying take a day off. Join from tomorrow."

"Are you ashamed of me?"

"Does my actions look like that?"

She just held my gaze. I went to sit beside her and held her cheeks. "You had to relive a nightmare yesterday. You need time. That's why I'm saying join from tomorrow and I'm fucking proud of you. I was. I am and I will always be proud of you."

She brushed her thumbs over my fingers. "I don't need anymore time. In this whole situation I was not at fault. I am the victim. I know but I'm not ready to sulk on that and gain sympathy. If today I don't show up that will harden whatever those bastards said. I want to keep my head high and work with my friends just like I did before. And if our investors wants to listen to the real deal, then I'll give them that. Jacob and Nathan are not getting away with this. I did file a case against Nathan at Beverly hills and they did take down the video at that time but I guess he had copies. I lived in distress for five fucking years, Noah. Not anymore."

I am fucking proud of her. She's unimaginably strong. I hugged her and stroked her hair. "Okay, then get freshen up and you can have your breakfast in the car." I kissed her forehead and said,"I'm with you."

"I know." She gave a smile and went off to the bathroom.

One and a half hours later we reached the office. Her breathing became a little ragged. I held her hand and planted a kiss. "I'm with you."

She gave a nod and we went into the office. We were expecting whispers and judgemental eyes but nothing of that sort happened. All our employees were looking at us but not with judgemental eyes. Then I understood the reason behind it. When we reached Destiny's floor, Elizabeth Mitchell was standing there with a warm smile on her face.

I greeted her. "Good morning. What are you doing here?"

"Wanted to help you a little bit." She saw Destiny and gave her a hug. Then she continued "I thought that maybe your employees will change their behaviour towards Destiny after what happened yesterday but I'm impressed."

"And why is that?"

"I came by early and almost everyone were concerned about Destiny. They like her. And since that video was presented by Jacob, people are not ready to accept that. I think that is a good start. And you have to see the investor situation. I think it'll not be much difficult."

"You sure about the employee situation."

"Yes, I am."

"Fine then. I'll let her settle in."

Elizabeth gave us a nod and said, "Destiny, I'm so happy that you are here. If you face any problem then I'm here. I was there yesterday, I saw everything and you should not be blamed for that. If people have brains then they will understand. And Noah I saw today's news. You played it nice."

I gave a smirk and Destiny looked at me confused. "I had to." Just then Niall, Amelia and Luna came running towards us. They all gave Destiny a group hug.

"Fuck. I thought you were not going to show up.", Niall said.

"Why won't I? It was not my fault.", Destiny said.

"We all know. You won't believe one thing. Our colleagues also believe that you were not to be blamed. That video was bullshit. All of us love you, Des."

Destiny gave them a full smile. Everything will be fine and I'll make sure of it. She turned towards me and said, "You go to your office. I'm fine."

"Ok. But if you need me just give me a call. Niall, Amelia, Luna, please take care of her. If there's any problem just give me a call."

"Ok boss.", Niall said and others nod.

"Noah. Just Noah."

They gave me an assuring smile. I kissed her forehead one last time and went off to my office. Henry was sitting there with a sinister grin on his face.

"Welcome, boss. Did you like today's news?"

"Oh, I loved it." Yesterday when Destiny went to sleep, I told Henry to pull off some dirt on Jacob and release it to the media. And just as I thought we found exactly what we were looking for. My sweet ex best friend has many harrasment case against him. Of course money and power were helping him to hide that from public but now I'll do the honors.  Merci will soon meet it's downfall. His fashion brand will go down and I'll love to watch it.

"The board members are going to back off soon. The company's shares are losing its value. Two days before he goes down."

"Nice. Henry, just tell me one thing. Are we in a position to invest?"

"Yes, we are. We are not broke company like Merci, my friend. We have a reputation and we still maintain that."

"Good. Take over Merci. You can run that or we can jointly run it. We'll decide it later but Merci is mine. I want to see Jacob ruined."

He smirked and said, "Whatever you want."

"Yes, and I always get what I want."

"What about Nathan?"

"Oh, I'll deal with him soon. One at a time."

"Cool. I'm leaving then. You have a meeting with the investors in an hour."

"I know. I need you there."

"Of course, I'll be there and then I've to go shopping."

I scowled at him and asked, "Shopping?"

"I have to buy a company."

We both laughed maniacally. They did the wrong thing by hurting my angel. Now, they'll have to pay and boy how much fun it'll be to watch them pay for their sins.

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