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I was scared to come to the office today but I had to fight that. Five years I have lived with that fear and I'm tired of that. Amelia and Luna took me to our workplace. They looked concern but happy.

Amelia asked, "Are you ok?"

"Trying to be."

"Don't worry. Everything will be fine.", Luna said.

I smiled at her. Niall poked me with his elbow and smirked at me. He asked, "Now tell us what is going on between you and boss? It's clear that he has fallen hard for you but how? We want to know the details."

I scoffed, "Don't we have work to do?"

"We did work a lot these past weeks. So, work can wait. Now the details."

Amelia also said, "Yes, yes please. I've a cheating ass husband and not getting much of an action lately. So, details for my hurting heart."

We all burst into laughter. "Ok. So, we know each other since we were kids. We were neighbours."

Three pairs of eyes were going to pop out of their sockets. "You guys were neighbours as in childhood sweethearts?"

"Not like that. He was a good and caring elder brother. Always took great care of me."

"Then how did he turn out to be a grump in the office.", Luna said.

I smiled, "Personal reasons."

They gave an understanding nod. "When I was in high school and he was in college I started to have a crush on him. I tried to make him understand about my feelings but I failed. Then he left Beverly hills."

"So, he was an asshole.", Amelia said.

"No, he was not. When I came here, I didn't know that he was the boss. I was shocked to see him on the first day. With our meeting every feeling came back and we decided to date. Then I got to know he also had feelings but he was scared to express. I guess we were waiting for the right time."

"Aren't you the cutest?", Luna squealed.

"How did I settle down for so little?", Amelia sulked.

"Just a request. Don't break up. It's good for us if he's in a good mood.", Niall said.

I laughed. He's the only good thing that has ever happened to me. There's no chance in hell that I'll leave him. So, I said, "Not going to happen until and unless he kicks me out of his life."

"That's not going to happen, Des. I've seen the love, the warmth, the trust in his eyes. He's not going to leave you.", Niall said.

Just then Nancy entered through the door with loud claps. "So, the whore is back?!"

Luna was going to say something but I stopped her. "Don't you think it's a little humourous to hear that from you?"

"You may find this funny but I found your video funny."

A shiver ran through my spine and I closed my eyes shut. She continued blabbering but I was not able to hear anything. That video. Me lying naked and those unpleasant grunts. Amelia and Luna were shouting but I went into a state of panick. I was shaking uncontrollably. I clutched my ears.

Then I heard him, "Baby, look at me?"

I screamed, "No, don't touch me, please." Hot tears were running down my cheeks.

"Baby, it's me, Noah. Please darling look at me." He was trying to pull my hands but every touch burned my skin.

"No, don't hurt me."

Then he hugged me and started peppering kisses on my temple. I thrashed him like a child with tantrums. He trailed his kisses to my ears and whispered, "I'm your Noah, Des. Noah. Your Noah. Look I'm here."

Then I slowly opened my eyes and looked at him. He had tears in his eyes. How many times will I make this man cry? This loving, kind man who loves me unconditionally. I'm a broken person and he never make me feel like that. I clutched him tightly and said through my tears, "Noah, I'm scared. I don't want to think about the video. Please take that away from me."

"I will, baby. I will. Calm down. Take deep breaths. Let's do it together." We took long breaths together. When I looked around my colleagues were looking at me with concern and utter sadness in their eyes but Nancy was missing.

"Where is Nancy?", I asked in a shaky voice.

"She's gone. I fired her. You never have to see her. I should have done that long ago. I'm sorry."

"Don't be.", I whispered.

"Come let me take you home."

"But your work?"

"I'm done."

"Your meeting with the investors?"

"It's all taken care of. Now I only need to take care of you."

I gave a simple nod and he picked me up. "I can walk."

"I know but I don't want you to."

Without fighting anymore. I let him take me home. I wanted to be strong but I failed. I failed to not become a damsel in distress.

"I'm sorry.", I said.

"For what?"

"For reacting like that."

"What? Why? It's natural, darling. You are the strongest person I know. You went to office even after the things that happened to you yesterday. It's a huge thing. These are traumas. These will trigger you."

"What can I do to stop them?", I whispered.

"I know a psychologist. If you want I can talk and we can meet him or we can wait."

I looked into his eyes. It's been so long since someone has taken care of me. So, I just gave a nod. If I have to come back stronger then these triggering memories needs to stop and for that I'll take as much help as possible. I just hugged him and said, "I love you."


I know last two chapters has been traumatising. We frequently get to know about such cases in news. Victims can be both girls and boys. Why can't we stop these? Raping someone doesn't make you strong or cool. It takes away lives. Lives which actually matter. It's all in the mentality. How you think and how you view the sexual desires. Someone's virginity is not a matter of competition or bet. If someone wants to have sex with you, they'll say. You can't force yourself on them.

If you ever feel unsafe then speak to someone you trust. If you think someone is touching you in a wrong way then voice it out. Because if we stop doing these things then they will get the free lease of doing such things. Voice it out and seek help. If you need psychologists then approach them. It doesn't make you a mad man. It's your mental health, you have to take care of it.

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