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You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.

When I entered our apartment it was still early in the morning. I went to our room to see my beautiful girl sleeping soundly with Liv. Thank God she stayed with her. Destiny is going for her therapy but still she wakes up from her nightmares. It'll take time. I kissed her forehead and left the room without disturbing them.

I decided to take a quick nap before she wakes up and ask me millions of questions because the number of messages and calls I got the whole time I was out. And I will answer all her questions.


Almost three hours later, I felt a little ticklish. I was still asleep but I could feel someone beside me. Then I heard a whisper, "Wake up, sleepyhead." I got peppered with kisses and I was sure that was my sweet girl.

I turned to face her sleepily. It was beautiful to wake up to her beautiful face and sweet voice.

"How did you know I was here?"

"Your cologne. I can smell it anywhere."

I leaned forward to kiss her hungrily. It's been a whole day since I kissed my beautiful girl. We broke the kiss and she said, "Why weren't you picking up my calls? And you didn't even answer my text messages."

"I know. That's why I boarded the flight as soon as we finished our work there."

"It's okay. As soon as you come back to me I don't mind."

"I'll always come back to you. My home." And I kissed her forehead. Just then Liv barged into the room. She was totally out of breath.

"Liv, what happened?", Destiny asked.

"You come with me. Right now. Please."


"You just come with me." And she dragged her away. I could guess what was the situation. I went to the drawing room and saw Henry has also joined us.

Then Liv said, "Nathan is behind the bars and he'll be locked up till he dies because of whatever he did to you and other girls." Yes. Before leaving Beverly Hills I called the higher authorities to fasten the process of punishment. Perks of being known over the world and have a friend on the higher level of law.


"Yes, see here." And she held up the newspaper. Destiny took the newspaper from her. She was busy reading the news and then gave a look at me and Henry and then she asked, "Where were you yesterday?"

I shared glances with Henry and then I let out a sigh, "You first sit down." I led her to the sofa.

"We went to Beverly Hills yesterday."

"For what?"

"For this." And I pointed at the news.

"How?", so I told her everything. How I got the video and how we played it in front of everyone. How it all ended. At the end of everything, she was crying.

"So, this was it. It all ends here, Des. He will never be able to harm you." She threw herself in my arms. I'll never say I understand what she has went through but I'll help her out at every step.

"Thank you so much."

I kissed her hair and saw Henry was smiling at me with a crying Liv in her arms. Happy tears.

After a while, Henry said joyfully, "Now that everything is done, we must celebrate."

I smiled and said, "We will but not today. Today, I need to spend the whole day with my beautiful girlfriend. We can celebrate later."

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