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It's been hectic throughout the week. The investors were in and out of my office as well as the board members. Some are congratulating for taking over Merci and some are checking out whether the company is working okay or not. Concerned about their shares and waiting for our downfall.

This company is like my baby. I've given my everything to make it one of the best fashion lines in the world and no one can do anything to the company.

My trail of thoughts were broken with a knock on my door. I sighed, expecting another board member but the person who entered my office light up my soul.

"Mr. Anderson, you seem deep in your thoughts."

"What can I say, Ms. Reynolds, an employee of mine is not really listening to me."

"Uh oh! What did you say that your employee is not ready to listen?"

"I told my employee to have lunch with me but she didn't listen."

"Lunch? You don't call your other employees for lunch!"

"She's special."

"How so?"

I walked around my table where she was standing. I wrapped my arms around her waist. I leaned around her neck and smelled her cologne. It calmed my nerves. I whispered in her ears, "Because she's the love of my life."

She looked stunned. Her eyes sparkled with unshed tears. "Now, don't tell me you didn't know it before?"

"No, it's just that, sometimes it's good to voice certain things even if the opposite person knows it. Noah, you've been my pillar all my life. Since, childhood you have been supporting, taking care of me. Right now when I thought everything will fall apart, you are still standing here giving me the strength to look forward to every day. I don't know how to thank you."

"You don't have to thank me for anything. You are mine and I take care of what's mine."

"So, does that mean you are mine?"

"Of course, I am. I might have been a casanova before you came to my life again but right now no one interests me as much as you do. You ruined me for other women, baby."

She gave a carefree laugh and said, "It better be like that or else I'll cut off your dick and shove it up your ass and make your whore watch the whole process and then I'll kill her with my bare hands."

"You'll go for a bloodbath?"

"Of course. I might look small and petite but I'll kill people in cold blood if they mess with what's mine."

"Who are you and what did you do to my sweet Destiny? Who is giving you such ideas?"

"Mrs. Emerson is helping me a lot. She's not only my psychiatrist but also my friend. She told me that she warned her husband about cheating beforehand and what she'll do to him and his whore. I thought I should also give you the warning. Better safe than sorry."

I scowled at her, "She's curing you or turning you into a murderer? I need to have a serious talk with her about your blooming friendship."

"No, not at all. I like her and she's a great friend. I'll not let you ruin it for me."

"I never said I'll ruin your friendship.", I smiled. "But just to let you know you don't have to worry about killing someone. I told you you spoiled me for other woman. You are the only one for me." She placed her head against my chest and let out a sigh, "What happened? Are you stressed?"

"No, I'm worried about you. With the takeover, you have been so busy. You are not taking care of yourself."

"I know."

"You need to take rest.

"And you need to stop worrying your little head. I'm fine. I knew this was going to happen. Running one fashion hub is already so tiring, so, taking over another one created extra pressure and when it is doomed like that. But it'll be fine eventually."

"I hope so."

"Did you had lunch?" She stared at me with her big eyes without answering anything.

"Did you had lunch?"

"I asked first."

"But you'll answer first."

"I had some soup when the board members were here but not any proper lunch."

"Then let's go. I'm starving."

"I don't know whether to spank you for not having lunch or kiss you because you waited for me."

She tiptoed and whispered in my ear, "I don't mind getting spanked but right now a kiss will be better and also some food."

As my queen wants. I kissed her like my life depended on it. By the time I was finished tasting her lips it was already red and swollen. My artwork. I smirked and rubbed my thumb on her lower lip. Just then her stomach grumbled loudly alerting us about the running rats in her stomach.

"Where do you want to go?"


"As you wish. Let's go."

I picked my car keys from the table, took her hand and went out of my office. I told my new assistant to clear all my meeting for the day since I don't intend to come back here. It's too much for a day. We went to her floor and she grabbed her bag, bid her friends goodbye and went into the elevator.

It's crazy that I'm leaving the office early but I can't help it. It's two hours to dismissal but I was already running away from this building. I love my job but I love spending time with her more. On our way out we met Henry.

"My oh my, where are the love birds going?"

Destiny smiled at him and said, "We are going out for lunch."

"Lunch? Don't you think it's a little late for lunch."

"It's never late for donuts."

"Donuts for lunch?"

"Uh huh!"

I interrupted, "Not until you have something as proper lunch. We can have donuts for dessert."

She pouted. She's still a baby who used to come at our house and hop around everywhere. My sweet sweet Destiny.

"Okay, fine."

Henry laughed and assured us that he'll take care for the next two hours. We bid him goodbye and went to our car.

We went off to Dunkin'. Suddenly she said, "I was thinking about what you said yesterday." Yesterday I told her that she needs to file a strong case against Nathan. I have lawyers who can make a solid case and he'll regret messing with her. But she was not ready to take up on that suggestion because she was scared that he might harm me in some way.


"You were right. I need to file a case. I can't live like this my whole life. I'll go down to the cop station but I need you to come with me."

"Of course, I will. Rather, I can tell them to drop by our home later and you can give your statement."

She nod and said, "That'll be better."

I smiled at her and held her hand. She returned the smile. I know how hard it is to talk about something like that but I'll stand beside her all along. I want that bastard to be punished. He tried to ruin her but he was not successful. My girl is still standing strong and with her held high. Now, I have to pull some strings to give him the rest of the things that he deserves.

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