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After Bongbong's proposal, the newly engaged couple started to plan for their wedding. Bongbong wanted it sooner but he still have prior commitments, so they were able to schedule it in 6 weeks. Time is precious daw kaya he doesn't want to wait long. Sara agreed too, she waited long enough for him. She doesn't mind being married in a simple ceremony as long as she's marrying him. But even with short preparation, Bongbong still wants to give the best for Sara so he's pulling all possible connections and resources to plan for their wedding.

They will be busy preparing for the next 6 weeks, buti nalang their friends like Martin are there to help them sa preparation.



Bongbong is sitting on the corner, he's tired from dancing. His and Sara's guest are still dancing. Even his wife Sara is still enjoying dancing with Pulong.

(Michael Bubblé Sway is currently playing)

Bongbong is watching his wife as she sways and groove to the music with her brother. She's all smile, she looks stunning for him. Sara is now wearing a simple cocktail dress.

Just several hours ago, they got married in a simple ceremony in Calaruega and now they have their reception here at The Farm in Batangas.

Bongbong and Sara decided to have a private wedding, with only their closest friends and relatives present. It was a short preparation but everything turned out really special.

Bongbong can't forget the face of his beautiful bride in his mind. She was a picture of simple beauty and elegance in her mermaid cut wedding dress. She didn't have a very long veil, but for Bongbong she's like a goddess and an angel combined into one. He wasn't able to control his emotions earlier as she was walking towards him in the church. He feels so lucky and blessed to have her in his life.

She was smiling radiantly while walking with Pulong. Pulong himself wasn't able to contain his emotions and tear up as he gave Sara's hand to him, as if telling him to treasure her and never let her be unhappy.


Bongbong can't help but chuckle when Sara almost slip when Pulong tries to dip her in their dance. He can see that the two are enjoying. He want to dance with her lady love but he asked for some break so that Pulong can spend some moment with Sara.

While watching the two of them he suddenly remembered their vows awhile ago. It wasn't flowery words but they meant every word and it all came from their deepest emotions.

Flashback (Bongbong's vow)

"I'm no perfect, I've made a lot of mistakes in my life and probably had hurt so many but God loves me so much to give you as his blessing. You are my lifes biggest blessing Sara and I thank God everyday for giving you to me. Imagine, I'm given the chance to love and be loved by someone as great and as beautiful as you. You make me happy with just your smile, you can make me do things I never thought I could. I can't promise that our life together will all be happiness and pure bliss for nobody knows what the future brings, but what I can promise is that I will always try to be the best man I could be for you and I will hold on to the love we have. I love you so much, more than my heart could ever show and I'm happy to be your partner, your friend and lover until death and thereafter"

(Sara's vow)

"B, I was so young to even understand love to its content, but I already loved you. Maybe my heart was meant to love you, it seeks only you. You have always been my inspiration and now I'm blessed to have you in my life. Loving you and being love by you is something I never expected because my heart never felt this strong connection to anyone as it connects to you. I'm no perfect myself but you make me feel I am because of the way you love me. I love you, all of you, everything about you and I will forever.

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