Ch.10: Holiday Job

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Love was thinking of Sirius' words a lot . Even after a mission they attended with Louisa, a simple ghost in an old building, she was thinking if it would be a good idea to write him a letter for wishes.

She decided to do it. To all of the Marauders. It was Christmas, people would liked to receive wishes. She was trying to find a little something to give them as a gift, something that would be small and not very important and she found it: a Four-Leaf Clover Charm. It was a charm that exorcists used to ward off low level demons. It consists of a four-leaf clover suspended in a small corked bottle, a bottle smaller than an adult's palm. It was a sweet gift, Love thought. It would protect them from low level demons, the demons that mostly roamed around humans and since she was the weird girl that grew up in a monastery, it would be nice to keep them safe with her own way.

Her little owl flew away with the letters on her beak and she walked to the monastery's main hall where the other monks were.

The big room was warmer than usual. Not in temperature, but as a feeling. It was simply, though beautifully decorated with orange lights that looked like fire. Love had put those around the walls. She always loved to do it. Her adoptive father, Levi, would help her when she was little and couldn't do it herself. He was planning on keep helping her even if she got older just to spend time with her, but he didn't make it until that.

All the monks were sure that he would be very proud of his daughter. Such a brave girl, she was responsible, a leader in missions, a kind heart. No one could know that she was half demon.


It was the first time Sirius would spend Christmas in Hogwarts. All the other years, he didn't want to spend the holidays alone in school for his mates would go back to their parents and also he didn't want to leave his brother alone with their mother and father. It was too much, though. He didn't want to go back to that place again.

To his good luck and joy, his friends would stay back to keep him company. This was all the family he needed.

On Christmas breakfast the four boys sat together on the Gryffindor table and ate pleasantly, enjoying each other's company. They only stopped talking when they heard owls coming in the Great Hall and they scanned the birds to find the ones they recognised.

Even though Sirius wasn't expecting an owl, he got one. All four boys got one, with letters similar to each other and a tiny glass bottle with a four-leaf clover identical with each other. They were from Love. She explained in each of her letters what that was, a protection charm against demons.

The boys found that very sweet. It was her way of showing that she cared.

''She's such a kind girl.'' Remus remarked. She and him didn't talk much, but she included him in the monastery's Christmas tradition to give people things that could keep them safe.

''Indeed.'' Added James. ''I can't see why people say she's a bad person that yells at everyone.''

''Well, she has yelled at some people.'' Peter commented.

''When?'' James really didn't remember such an occasion.

''One time when a Slytherin insulted her muggle father.'' Begun Peter. ''Another time when someone made fun of her growing up in a monastery, when some kids were supporting blood superiority and Louisa told me that when that Slytherin Elle Oakman made fun of Louisa's muggle father, Love scarred her so much that Oakman doesn't even look at her when they cross paths.''

James' eyebrows were shot upwards. ''I've heard some of those, but now that I met Love I thought they were only rumours.''

''Most of them are.'' Peter said. He had talked about Love a number of times with Louisa. The two girls were so close, it was impossible to get to know of one without learning about the other.

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