Ch.12: Outstanding Grade

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The next day she wasn't as sure about herself, but decided that if she can fight demons, she could try to talk with the boy she liked. In the library she and Louisa found all of the Marauders at the spot they had agreed to meet.

Louisa wanted to spend more time with Peter so when she saw him at breakfast, she asked him to study with her. At the sound of this, Sirius thought it would be good to bring James with him in the library and join Love while her best friend was with Peter to spend time with the girl and Remus was always good company in the library so it was easy to bring him along. When it came to studying, the green eyed boy could find something to say when silence became awkward.

Sirius hadn't talked about the black haired girl's feelings to his friends, though he truly believed she would be good for James. Maybe he could talk to Remus, he had logic's voice, but he couldn't do it without Love's consent. He was wondering what she was thinking and feeling about his mate next to her. She looked so focused on her studying, it was impossible to see something beyond that.

''I wish I knew this last year.'' James said for a jinx he could have used against an older student that jinxed him last year. Love chuckled at the humoristic way he said it and turned her attention back to her book with her body slightly turned to James, Sirius noticed and begun thinking to himself.

By the time they were done, Sirius had made his mind to talk to the black haired girl. When the others begun closing their books, Sirius spoke up. ''Love, can you help me with some ghoul questions I have? I read about them in some DADA books, but I don't know enough about them. It won't take long.''

''Of course.'' Love exclaimed joyfully and got more comfortable in her seat.

Remus and James left, thinking good of the blue eyed girl that stayed behind to help their friend and Sirius glanced around him to see how many students there were. Once he noticed them, he got closer to Love from the other side of the desk and spoke quietly. ''James liked your present. It was his idea to make them necklaces.''

''I'm glad.'' The girl smiled, her eyes closing from the action slightly and her tail moved in synch with her quickened heartbeat. After that she begun trying to find a quill she had dropped in her bag and that made Sirius chuckle. The nephilim glanced up at the sound of his laughter, curious for the reason, but only found the grey eyed boy smirking at her.

''You don't have to pretend to be uninterested around me, you know.'' He said and leaned closer to the desk, dropping his tone again. ''I think you're doing a good job, talking to him more, having your body turned to him. That's good.'' He grinned and leaned his back on the chair.

''Thanks.'' The blue eyed girl said, not knowing what else to say. She wasn't one to talk about feelings a lot while on the other hand, Sirius with his love life had no problem.

''If you want my advise, keep going on like that. Knowing James, he is stubborn with everything including his feelings which means that I can't guarantee you anything with him, but it will be good to try. I think you and him are quite similar about some things, different at some others and in the end you could make a good couple.''

''I don't know what to say after this.'' Love joked after a few silent seconds. She was nervous about this, but again this is love, both as a feeling and as the girl of our story.

Sirius chuckled along with her after her words. ''Let me talk. I have some advise.''

''Before you talk, sorry for interrupting you, but... If Lily starts having feelings for James, I don't want to be in the middle. I think it would be better if there was no advise, or setting us up or anything. It may make things more complicated... I will take my shot and we'll see where it goes.''

Offspring (Mar.Era x Blue Exorcist) [James Potter]Where stories live. Discover now