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╰┈➤ ❝ 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 : ❞

The bench beneath your shaken figures creaked, it's warning of fracture unwarranted by unbothered, disgusted teens. "Seriously..?" A soft murmured erupted, her tone filled with dismay.

A smile crept at your lips, tugging down in amusement at Ashley's sudden repulsion. The brunette poked at the sandwich that resided on her battered tray, her finger winced at the notion as she shuddered. "How does this place even pass health inspection...?"

"How does Nockfell pass heath inspection, really." Sal retorted, just as apprehensive to eat.

You considered yourself an understanding individual, a 'Don't judge a book by its cover' type, but if the locals were really that appalled by the meal..?

"Overpriced, unhealthy vending machine snacks it is, then." You concluded, pushing the tray astray. Larry followed suit, quick to hoist himself up at the unspoken offer. "I wasn't feeling mystery meat anyways, you dudes want anything?"

The metalhead stretched, joints popping in their once stiff settlement.

A familiar, leafy haired boy had already tugged at the discarded lunch trays, hesitant to retrieve yours as his hand hovered above, you giggled at the sudden uncertain confliction Chug seemed to be facing.

"You can have it." you answered, unbothered by the silent request. Chug beamed, his silver-haired companion mouthing what you thought was 'thank you' before conversating once again. Must be a recurring thing, you smiled at the collection of trays that had piled around the pair. You stood from your seat.

The cafeteria was bustling, students' echoes wracked the cracked, beige walls as you scanned for a nearby exit. It was alarming, but Larry was adamant.

"Cmon," He spoke, the scent of weed and cologne enveloping you as he bent at the knees, matching your height. "I'm craving barbecue chips, and Chug's "order" is slipping."

".."order"...?" You blinked, torn between baffled and impressed. Larry only snickered.

┌─── ∘°☆°∘ ───┐

By some miracle, both had stumbled into the eerie halls of Nockfell high. It's dull lockers and stained tiles no longer rumbling with lively conversation, void of joy. The lingering silence between the pair only induced your anxiousness, cheap cologne and the scent of cherry lip gloss intoxicated you.

"Been meaning to ask," Your companion stated, his steady pace never faltered, despite walking backwards. Larry didn't seem like the type to hold eye contact whilst conversating. At least, never in the short weekend you had met so far. "How's Addison's treating you so far?"

Within seconds, your hands clung uncomfortably to your jacket's sleeves. Your tounge felt dry, unable to cough out a reasonable response. This feels rehearsed, you considered the possibility, almost ashamed to of.

Larry was the definition of calm and collected; in fact, he oozed nonchalance. This would fair as a regular question, an ice break if you will, if it wasn't for the fact he had somehow wanted you alone to ask.

"Nockfell's been okay." You answered; short and sweet.

In the short time you've come to know Larry, you had concluded as much; Nockfell wasn't okay, far from it. It was unsettling, your gut instinct knew, and it seemed Larry did as well.

Or maybe you were overthinking this.

It could've been the way smog lingered across the deserted roads' pavement a bit too long, or the bitter wind that blew just too harshly when skeptics grew to logic. Maybe at first glance, how the town's glorified swamp of Wendigo Lake seemed to engulf each instinct that shouted at you to walk away, whilst the reflection of which that settle in such murky water dared you to see just how shallow it could be. Just how cruel life could treat you.

Or maybe, you were just overthinking this.

Larry beamed, almost as if he hadn't inflicted anxious warfare in your conscious. "That's Good. I figured you were settling in just fine." He stated; halting before the battered vending machine, what was it I wanted again..?

"Yeah." You refrained from confiding in the metalhead about your odd dreams and sleepless nights. "Been a little homesick recently, but other than that.."

Yeah, "homesick". You grimaced, if you could call night terrors such a sappy word is laughable. "Why do you ask?"

Exchanging change into the slot, you dialed #3B. A Hersey's bar before pairing well with an off-brand soda pop. Larry shrugged, inserting his own pocket change before reaching into the vending machine's lower department to retrieve numerous items you didn't recognize the brands of. "Just thought I'd ask."

The venture back was rather quiet, awkward even. Larry's pace was considerate, now walking beside you as he held the unfamiliar snacks within a makeshift pouch, his shirt. Neither said a word, either Larry couldn't read the tension or wouldn't. You preferred the ladder.

You had made the assumption the brunette was persistent. Eager and enthusiastic, given your time met. Though, he seemed..antsy. On edge with your answer. You stand corrected, maybe you were a "judge a book by it's cover" type of person.

Both had made quick pace, or in other words, you had whilst Larry obliged. You admittedly were on edge, more so after Larry had managed to snatch your jacket's hoodie from behind, causing you to stop and turn on instinct, confusion written within your frown. You visibly gaped at what stood mere inches away.

The brunette glared down at your meek figure, brows furrowed as hues of Mahogany seemed to dilate a darker shade of black. His grip was intense, not too harsh but stern to keep you in place. His smile still remained, only now strained and uneasy. "Yknow, you don't have to lie." He stated. You felt a pang of exasperation ignite within your chest as he spoke, mentally drained from your own emotional turmoil.

It's my first day, you reiterated, and now I have to worry about "just" Addison's? A headache was beginning to ensue, it racked your skull painfully. Is this some sort of joke?

"Dude," your gaze held its own, never faltering despite his lack of explanation. "Is this some kind of sick joke? "Lets pull a prank on the new girl" and-!?"

Larry's grasp faltered, wavering in confliction. "No!" He withdrew his hand, now held in defense. "Just..don't be afraid to come to us if something happens. You can even admit, Addison's is sketchy.."

This conversation is sketchy. You winced as long digits grasped the cafeteria's door handle.

The door dragged against it's hinges, heavy. Loud, incoherent conversations leaked from where you stood into the halls, all too preoccupied to eavesdrop on the current tense atmosphere that resided in the doorway. You almost admired the sight beside you.

Strands of chestnut hair obscured the brunette's current confliction, his jaw clenched as he seemed to scan the premises before facing your blatant stare. His pupils no longer dilated, eyes lidded despite his earlier brief statement. "Well uh.." He muttered, clearly drawing a blank. His face flushed, unsure. "I'll...see you in there?"

"We're sitting at the same table." You deadpanned, no longer in awe as he coughed. Regardless of his evident uneasiness, Larry made no attempt to move. You groaned, grasping his wrist within your reach as you trudged through the crowd while he followed.

"Whatever, man." you mumbled, suddenly hyper-aware of an individual's blatant stare from across the room. "They're probably starving by now, anyways."

You didn't 'stand corrected', you were always right to trust gut instinct.

Something was wrong in this town and judging from both Chug & now the metalhead's own worry, it was safe to assume it stemmed from the complex.


Again, I kinda hate how this chapter turned out but I promised a plot as close to canon as possible, and I have plans that I can not discuss rn 🤭

homesick | sal fisher x fem!reader ;; ❞Where stories live. Discover now