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╰┈➤ ❝ 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 : ❞
Slight spice, implied both this & next chapter

Your eyelids fluttered, whether it be from the abrupt streetlights' illumination every few feet the car drove or your own inevitable restlessness, it was practically clear as day, regardless of the starlit sky that hung proudly above Nockfell's pollution-free atmosphere.

Believe it or not, in Sal's presence, you weren't tired. In fact, you were on high alert, jittery with anticipation.

It was peaceful, the crickets' loud chrips of disruption didn't seem to penetrate the ongoing vehicles' structure.

The occasional streetlight stood tall and starch next to the empty, desolate pavement sidewalks as you drove past, subtly counting their consistent appearance. You had no idea where you were going and, in all honesty, you had an inkling Sal didn't either.

Though the duo shared two things amongst the evening's setting. Both didn't give a shit. Where they went or what happened next.

Sal was on edge, shoulders rigid as his eyes narrowed, incredibly fixated on the road as his mind drifted elsewhere. He'd recognized this anxious anticipation, more often than not.

Only problem was, why'd he feel it now..?

He wanted the girl beside him to say something, anything..scream at him, insult him, anything-! Just do something.

You sat atop the leather seat, passenger side. Knees snuggled into the embrace of your arms and torso, the blanket Sal had so gracious provided hung loosely on your hunched figure, chin settled atop your knee as you stare forward, intently in thought.

Thought Sal so desperately wished you'd share.

"What do your parents think..?" He involuntarily asked, "about you being out so late, that is..."

Whatever Sal expected, you didn't disappoint. With a shrug, the plump lips he'd caught himself glancing at unusually often these past few days had formed a thin line, discomfort plausible.

"Don't know." You replied, eyes lidded in drowsiness. You turned your head, 180° as azure curiosity met your intense gaze.

"Guess it's our little secret," you playfully retorted, offering a small but warm smile. "Isn't it?"

Oh god, why'd you have to look at him like that..?

Intentionally or not, Sal slowed the vehicle's once sped up range noticeably down. His eyes, no longer visibly to you, where fixated elsewhere. On you, no doubt.

The prosthetic hid a lot, something Sal both expressed gratitude and hatred for.

From right to left, down to your parted lips and back again to your right eye, he remained entranced. His stare outlined a hypothetical triangle, as if to commit each feature of your sleepy expression to memory.

"Sal...?" You mumbled, brows knitted in concern. "..you okay?"

Sal blinked, quick to withdraw his mesmerized gaze and gift it's ever so desired presence back towards the empty, isolated asphalt road.

homesick | sal fisher x fem!reader ;; ❞Where stories live. Discover now