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╰┈➤ ❝ 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 : ❞
Explicitly Mention of drug substances / Marijuana usage

"Why are we even here, Larry?" You complained, arms hugging your torso in search of comfort.

Larry had stood beside you, patiently waiting for someone on the otherside of the oak, ominous door to answer. His once large, calloused hands now retreated within his jean pockets, the slight disruption of chains moving with motion as he leaned his weight to the opposite foot every so often.

"Dude, relax." replied Larry, eyes lidded as his only indication of loosing patience was his right foot's consistent tapping against the hall's lump carpeting. "We'll be in and out, easy peasy."

You nibbled your bottom lip, eyes darting from left to right as you waited. Sounds of muffled footsteps were heard on the other end of the door, stiffled, lazy conversation following suit.

The door creaked open, albeit slightly. It's rusty, short lock chain preventing whoever answered from opening it completely. A lidded, hazel eye peered through the crack, glasses hung low on their hooked nose as they eyed the duo.

"Todd!" Larry exclaimed, a beaming, toothy-grin sprawled across his tan complexion. "Todd, open the door."

The ginger sighed, eyelids fluttered close in what you could only assume was disappointment. The assumption only intensified when he reopened them, suddenly glaring through your meek, sheepish figure.

"You brought her?" Todd said, monotone despite his annoyance. "Larry, you could've just left her at home-"

"Yeah, yeah." Waved the brunette, his hand gesturing as if to shoo away the ginger's dismay. "I told you I'd swing by later."

Abruptly, the door slammed shut, only to reopen a second later, now completely ajar and revealing the distressed teenager. "Larry, you never mentioned she was coming-"

Larry, unphased, walked through the door's aperture in glee. "Dude, it's cool. See?" The metalhead gestured towards your slow, cautious frame, taking light steps into the colorful apartment. "She loves it! It's all good."

Todd looked visibly uncomfortable, a permanent frown resided on his freckled face. You, in turn, felt tremendously guilty at entering his home so suddenly. "I can leave, if you want..it's fine, rea-"

"No, no." Todd said, exhausted. "It's fine, don't worry about it."

About to protest, Todd hadn't stuck around, disappearing into what you thought was his parents' room, considering the floorplan matched your own apartment.

Glancing at the..personal atmosphere, you took notice to the couple sat on the plump sofa. They leaned on one another, dopey grin plastered on both their faces to accompany their smile lines.

They hadn't even acknowledged their guests, only addressing them once you greeted the married couple. "..uhm, hello."

You waved an open palm in their direction, already well aware the giddy couple weren't all too aware of their own surroundings. You'd been so on edge since entering the apartment, you flinched at the sound of yet another door roughly dragged against the neglected carpeting, open.

Instinctively, you turned on your heel to glance at the intrusion. In what you assumed would be Todd, you were met with strikingly blue irises boring into your own frightened ones.

homesick | sal fisher x fem!reader ;; ❞Where stories live. Discover now