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╰┈➤ ❝ 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 : ❞

"I don't know, Ash.." Disdain laced the unsure reply, honey toned knuckles paling as their owner clutched his lunch tray. "I don't think he'd appreciate airing dirty laundry like that."

The brunette scoffed, a frown plastered her plump lips as she sneered in distaste. "Do you want her to find out the hard way? Like Sally did?"

Larry sighed. He was all too familiar with Sal's first interaction with Travis. A busted lip and bruised forehead, courtesy of the troubled blond as a gift to their friend. All because Sal had managed to surpass everyone in maths near immediately, the one subject Travis seemed to struggle with. He'd had cornered the bluenette that very same day in the courtyard freshman year and the rest was history.

"Lar, it isn't fair-" Ash quickly had attempted to revert Larry's growing hesitation, frustration in her persistence. She didn't want you to cross paths with Travis and his tantrums, you didn't deserve it.

Larry shook his head, no longer undecisive. "No." He firmly retorted, brows knitted in concern. "It's not our place, Ash. You know how Sal feels."

The duo had already claimed their reserved table, wooden benches creaking beneath their weight as the cafeteria echoed with all sorts of conversations. Neither had seen any of their friends from where they sat, being the first two to of arrived and settled in.

"It doesn't matter how he feels, Lar." exclaimed Ashley. "That prick terrorizes everyone, what makes you think she's different?"

Larry shrugged, a pb&j resided in his calloused hands as he chewed, nonchalant. Ashley huffed.

"It's just a matter of time." She reasoned, opening the small, dented milk carton whilst the scent caused her noise to scrunch in displeasure.

The metalhead remained silent. He refused to feed Ashley's apperent need to meddle. He adored the brunette, really, but her controlling tendencies and carelessness actions effect others in ways she refuses to comprehend until its too late. Actions spoke louder than words and Ashley has had far too many slip ups in the past to ignore.

It was no secret, honestly. Junior year, she had done something unforgivable. To this day, Ashley still can't see her wrongdoings.

Both Sal and Travis had managed to get in a scruff with one another that day. He had begun to harass the bluenette and like always, Sal retorted in harsh honesty. One thing lead to another and Travis' fist had, unsurprisingly, collided with Sal's prosthetic.

Rather than search for a nurse or asked their friend if he was alright, Ashley had taken it upon herself to lift the fractured mask up and away from Sal's face. Without his consent.

Despite the bluenette's evident shock to this scenario and his lack of protest, Larry's chest still aches at the reminder of that night. A curled up, trembling boy sat in the corner of Larry's bedroom, broken sobs emitting from their small figure as mutters of doubt and fear spilled from their cracked lips. A red, blood stained bandana clutched in their white-knuckled grip as a now painful memory.

Ashley couldn't fathom how much her actions had consequences, and regardless of his admiration for the creative, beautiful women, Larry wouldn't toss aside such a crucial thing.

"It's not our place, Ashley." Larry stated, the question out of debate as Ashley glared at the disapproval. "She already knows Travis is a little punk, we got no reason to throw Sal under the bus like that."

Ashley gaped at the accusation. ""Throw him under the bus"?!" She repeated, her body leaned over the wooden table as her eyes narrowed in the metalhead's direction. Larry's expression or lack of never faltered.

The words hung heavy in the air as Larry adopted a bright smile whilst members of their little posse of misfits sat down. Ashley could only grin sheepishly as she remained silent throughout lunch. For once, she was embarrassed.

┌─── ∘°☆°∘ ───┐

Staggering into the droll hallway, Sal shivered at the drop in temperature.

Lunch had begun awhile ago and he was eager to finally walk into the cafeteria without worry. At times, he'd be subjected to eat in an empty classroom or in the courtyard, as to avoid conflict. The fragmented face that adorned his appearance was often a sensitive subject, one many enjoy to poke and probe at.

A loud, near painful rumble within his stomach caused him to groan in anticipation. He hadn't snuck off to those quiet, secluded places of scenery since you had begun attending Nockfell High.

Sal had subconsciously begun to allow himself to inch closer to you with each passing, unaware of the undescribled security in your presence. The stunt Travis had pulled with Toni Beckenger earlier that morning had been a rude awakening.

You were kind, and patient. Funny, attractive. Why would you sit with a guy like him at lunch? Hell, what if your involvement with him earned you a spot on Travis' shit list?

Images of your figure, bloody and bruised, trembling in pain flashed within the depths of his brain, much similar to Beckenger's state. Those pretty plump lips busted and the glint in your eyes hidden by swelling..He shuddered at the possibility.

Everyone in their circle had been a target to Travis' consistent harassment, one way or another. Both Ashley & Maple had been on his radar for months in the past after their breakup, as well as Todd. Not only did he surpass most regular students in academics, but as well as how open and honest he was within himself and his sexuality.

Sal couldn't remember what had begun his rein of terror when it came to himself, and he didn't give a shit either.

Cornflower converse trailed towards the muffled noise of both clatter and boisterous voices. Strands of pretty cyan hair framed the enigmatic mask beautifully, almost as if a halo. You blinked, torn between admiration and frustration.

Straying from the nearby classrooms, you eagerly awaited your moment. You'd round the corner, demand an explanation and get your answer. Speaking with Todd earlier really summed up much, like oh, I don't know, asking the culprit just what happened.

Footsteps slowly approached and with each passing moment, you felt your heartbeat mimick the sound. Once, twice, a third time before you finally pushed your weight off the dented lockers, a clear blockage in his path.

Your mouth opened, agape and ready to shout. Though, no noise ever followed through. In fact, a scream did file throughout the halls, horrified and stunned, and that's great, really.

The only problem was, it wasn't from your mouth, and just as quick as your night terrors, the flash of electric blue vanished down the hall.

└─── °∘☆∘° ───┘

Ik, lacking the Sal interaction but be patient with me y'all 🙏

homesick | sal fisher x fem!reader ;; ❞Where stories live. Discover now