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╰┈➤ ❝ 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 : ❞
Mentions of detailed violence, death & brief panic attack.

The apartment was quiet, eerie even.

Actually, no. This place was always creepy as shit. The only difference was, now you had an idea of just what the fuck was wrong with this complex.

This town, actually.

Maple inhaled sharply, eyes narrowed in comfliction as she had finally maneuvered her body in such a way as to face you appropriately.

You, however, were on high alert. It was one thing to hear childish, naive ghost stories or folktale from Chug but Maple?

This was serious, only now were you realizing how deep the blood mixed with the river's current, tainting it's local civilians with it's horrid, putrid infestation of abnormal.

"There used to be a lot of tenants, you know." Maple said, face neutral of her previous wary. "At Addison's."

"Most moved, after the incident..surprised the Morrison's still stuck 'round, after it all." She commented, repulsed by a thought you weren't aware of.

You weren't sure you wanted to be.

"Happened on the 4th floor-" She paused, cut off by your curious question.

"Why would Todd and his family leave if it didn't happen on their floor?" You asked, to which, Maple chuckled sadly. "Let me finish, I promise it'll make sense."

You obliged, shutting your parted lips with puzzlement as Maple continued, clear discomfort plausible in her stiff stature as she shifted repeatedly in her choosing seat.

"As I was saying," She reiterated, "It happened on the 4th floor, when Sal moved in."

"#403, her name was Mrs. Sanderson. Lived there with her husband, Herman, real nice couple." Said the metallic haired goth, both pity and sympathy was something you detected in her tone. You didn't fail to notice the past tense remark, but were unsuccessful to mention it.

"She uh..well, some things went down that weren't...too pretty, y/n." Maple murmured, arms wrapping around her torso as to seek comfort in the gesture.

You, however nodded for her to continue, a small but understanding smile graced upon your expression. "Go on."

Understandably, you refrained from any physical contact to comfort the goth. You weren't sure how she'd appreciate it, nor did you wish to frighten her more.

Whatever happened, it clearly fucked Maple up. So much so, she was still disturbed by such an event and she didn't even live here.

This only concerned you further.

"There used to be a guy, down in #204. Name was Charley...I never really met him but I heard he was a massive creep."

She took yet another well needed breath, shaky from her previous labors of oxygen. "He...y/n, he-"

"Take your time, Maple...you don't need to tell me if you don't want too-"

homesick | sal fisher x fem!reader ;; ❞Where stories live. Discover now