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╰┈➤ ❝ 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 : ❞

With relief, both girls sigh in content as warmth envolped their trembling, cold stature.

"Come on, I'll get started on hot chocolate, it's fucking freezing." You rubbed your forearms as if to emphasize the fact, haphazardly leaving your shoes astray beside the front door.

Maple complied, following suit as she too, removed her black Mary Jane boots.

"You a milk or hot water typa girl, Map?" You asked, hands grasping a stainless pot as Maple took in the apartment's familiar layout.

Although distracted, Maple called out with an answer, impressed with how..personal the household was. "...Uhh- milk, please..if it's not too much trouble."

Much like Ashley's residence, portraits and many framed photos hung strategically on the beige walls. Most definitely, considering their placement, hid small cracks and imperfections in the spackle but Maple didn't mind, it only added charm to such a small, cozy home.

Now, don't confuse Maple's wording as anything but sympathy. While her parents were very active in her life, Maple saw firsthand what absent parents was like, thanks to when Ashley asked her out, so many years ago.

While their past relationship didn't work out, it opened Maple's eyes a lot.

Ashley, whilst as perfect as she was, hid many issues involving her family. She'd known this, considering she'd spent a concerning amount of time comforting Ashley as she wept on her shoulder, long before you came along.

Maple would never tell you, though. She understood and was sympathic but in no way was it her place to expose Ashley with such vulnerability.

With precision, Maple bent down, scouring through your collection of discs as she asked, "Wanna watch a movie while the brownies bake?"

"As long as you pick. By the time I picked one, the brownies would've burnt." You replied, eager to witness the milk subtly boil before adding the chocolate mixture, watching at the powder collides and churns the liquid to make a delicious, milky brown hue.

Maple obliged, stifling through a variety of movies, likely a horror genre as you shut off the stove, pouring the liquid into a mixture of two chipped mugs.

Nightmare on Elm Street was what she had chosen. Granted, you've seen the movie more times than both your fingers and toes could count, you'd happily sit through the film once more if it meant Maple enjoyed it.

"You see this one yet?" You asked, walking into the comforts of the living room as you handed Maple her warmed, flavorful drink. She shook her head in refusal, taking a sip.

"Nah, I wanted to watch it with Chug but.." She trailed off, both her hands grasping the mug as if it's fragile exterior would soon leap from her grip and run high tail. "He's too scared, this isn't really his thing, ya know?"

"I get it." You replied, "Not everyone is fit for ghost stories, right?"

Whilst you chuckled at your own minor joke, Maple giggled nervously, bashful at your choice of wording. Was it really appropriate to laugh? She contemplated, has the boys even told her yet..?

Chug had told Maple many ghost stories in the past, and no, she didn't believe it one bit. That was, until Sal and Larry had begun spewing similar nonsense that frightened Maple far more than she'd like to admit.

What's worse, after the Charley incident, Maple really wasn't sure what was fabricated and what was reality. She'd refuse each offer the boys had when they suggest they show her the truth. Once Todd of all people had insisted, Maple knew something wasn't right with this building.

"Yeah.." Maple sheepishly agreed, "Regardless, he says a lot about the 5th floor though.."

"You too?!" You gawked, seated on the far left side of the sofa as Maple blinked, taken back. "He said something 'bout it when I first moved in, said something about it 'giving him the creeps'?"

Maple sat considerable close beside your relaxed stature, her body soon being envolped by the couch's cushions as she huffed, frustration intangled with her exhale. "For once, I can't believe I'm saying this but..take his advice."

You, in turn, whipped your head to evaluate Maple's cryptic warning. The movie had begun, static no longer obscuring the television's translucent screen as 'play' soon appeared in the top right corner. Maple held the remote, albeit a bit too harshly, seemingly by her ever-tightening grip as she averted her eyes, purposely avoiding your observant stare.

"Map..? What do you mean?" You asked, skeptical. "I know the place is being renovated, I may be oblivious but I'm not that ignorant."

Maple, against her better judgement, glanced in your direction. Your stale joke and evident newly stricken fear both comforted and pained her beating heart, pity soon spilling through the cracks of her rational mind.

"It's just..It's dangerous, y/n." She warned, eyes fixated on the television's illuminated screen, her mind somewhere else, distant. "Believe me, I want to tell you but even I don't know.."

"Don't know what..?" You puzzled, scooting closer towards the goth, closing the already small distance between you both. "Maple, you can tell me."

Maple, again, irrationally met your wary irises. She couldn't take it, you were her friend. You lived here for fucks sake, you deserved an explanation, right?

"Listen to me, y/n. Listen very carefully." She gently cooed, brows knitted as her lips formed a thin, pressured line. "There's something wrong with this building."

...you inhaled sharply, considering her riddle of sorts. "..like, utility wise or...?"

"Don't tell me you don't feel it too.." Maple said, exasperated. "It's not a coincidence, you know."

"..I-" you paused, confused. "...Maple, I..don't understand."

Maple sighed, remorseful yet envious of your blissful ignorance. "I can explain it to you, y/n, but you have to promise me something."

You sat upright, no longer entranced by the movie. You positioned your body to face her own, eyes wide with both intrest and fascination. "Promise..?"

"Promise me you won't go looking." Maple stated, arms crossed over her torso as she still somewhat disappeared into the cushions, never once facing you. "It's wrong and you need to promise me, you'll never, under no circumstances, repeat this."

Regardless of your worry, your incapablity to keep what you assumed was a dark, twisted secret, you agreed. "Okay." You mumbled, devoted to her every word as she patiently waited. "...I promise."

You were taught, since a very young age, 'if you don't have your word, you have nothing.'

and dammit it, like hell you'd have nothing.

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homesick | sal fisher x fem!reader ;; ❞Where stories live. Discover now