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╰┈➤ ❝ 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 : ❞

A cold breeze ran throughout Nockfell, wisping past your hair in urgency.

Even bundled in layers of cloth to shield yourself from the harsh weather, you still shivered at the feeling of bitter ice against the tip of your nose.

You had declined Ashley's offer of a ride, insisting you'd enjoy knowing your way around the small town than not. Of course, this wasn't ideal.

You had asked the brunette who would be in the vehicle prior as well, albeit you dodged her question as to why. Most of your friends, excluding both Maple & Chug, would be hitching a ride with Ashley. Including Sal.

This in turn, was your opportunity. You kindly refused and had awoken earlier to ensure you weren't late for class, as to include the time it took to walk and possibly any taken wrong turns on your venture there. Luckily, there hadn't been.

Now, you wouldn't avoid Sal, persay. You'd give him the space he'd need and in hopes, he'd approach you.

Regardless of his previous poor attempts to steer clear from you, they always were in vain. You both had always managed to cross paths, one way or another. Only this time, he'd have the option of disregarding you.

Nockfell High stood tall in front of you, students slithered into it's doors in either exhaustion or dread, not a single speck of joy insight.

You weren't entirely thrilled with the idea of somehow surviving the day once again, more so, with the plan you had set in motion. You voyaged deeper into the building's confinement, steering past fellow classmates as not a single familiar face was in sight. Despite your disappointment, this was a far better outcome.

Both Sal and you shared maths, fortunately enough. It'd be inconvenient at best and disastrous at worst if you had somehow encountered him if he tagged along with the others who may of spotted you. No, you'd catch sight of him in class, where neither could leave until the bell rang but you wouldn't approach him either.

Sal no doubtly would want to confront yesterday's turn of events and whether it be from embarrassment or from the audience that was the rest of the class, he wouldn't. In fact, more than one occasion, you had managed to of caught a head of cerulean hair in your peripheral vision in the halls. Each time, trying to approach you. While you weren't positive it was the enigma himself, you trusted your better judgement. Better safe than sorry, right?

Luckily, Mrs. Packerton wasn't as strict as other teachers, such as Mr. Kimberly. There were no assigned seats. Albeit, she wasn't a fan of tardiness nor your apparent lack of stealth to keep up with her class, she probably couldn't even remember who sat where if students preferred a specific desk than others.

While on other days, this would pose a problem, today it wouldn't.

You'd attend her class early and take your seat, full of purpose and intention. Once you entered class, you'd take preparations for the subject, much like your fellow classmates would once they filled out the room and remaining desks.

This was a fool proof plan and while you kept informing yourself it wasn't to avoid Sal, in simpler terms, it was.

How this would come about, you had no idea. You'd offer a mere wave in his direction once he too, attended, just as a form of being polite before you reverted back to studying.

Was this superstitious? Probably. Was this controlling and possibly, a bit extreme? Maybe, yeah. You concluded.

While this all was to be taken too seriously on your end, you feared of ruining...whatever this was with Sal. You hadn't known each other for long, but this man had somehow kept you restless at night far before either of you met. Even if it wasn't unintentional, you felt entitled to this curiosity. Even if the night terrors continued, the thoughts of doubt and lingering overthinking would cease, at least when it came down as to why he distanced himself.

homesick | sal fisher x fem!reader ;; ❞Where stories live. Discover now