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╰┈➤ ❝ 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 : ❞
Minor violence

Amongst the crowded hallways, student's sneakers squeaked against the, for once in probably a century, clean tiles.

The abrupt sound of your name dragged your unwilling, tired consciousness back into reality. "I'm tellin' you, there's no way in hell Travis isn't getting suspended this time!" Ash exclaimed, a frown tugging at her plump lips as her brows knitted in distaste.

"How often does this happen exactly?" You asked, still rummaging around in your locker as Ashley leaned against the one residing beside yours. She slid down the wall briefly, huffing in frustration as she considered her response. "Often."

"Right...and he hasn't been expelled yet?" Both girls watched as a nearby teacher dragged a blonde, angry teenager far from the commotion, the crowd of students beginning to disperse as the bell rang. "No." replied Ash, seeming just as apprehensive as you.

"Ash, enough with the cryptic get-up." You slammed your locker shut, books held tucked away in your grasps as you faced the brunette. "What's his deal?"

Ashley sighed, tucking a strand of chocolate locks behind her ears as she straightened her posture. "His dad funds the school, ya know?" She answered, unbothered by the bloody mess that passed both students as a result of Travis' temperament. "He always gets off with a "warning", says he's struggling in school."

"So that gives him a right to be a dick?" You hastily sassed back, only for Ash to abruptly turn your figure around and point to the poor guy that was used as a punching bag earlier this morning.

"See that kid? Right there?" Her well manicured, lavender nail directed your attention. A taller, slim brunette with what was once a quite attractive smile, now limped. Hunched forward and sporting a black eye and busted nose, surrounded by fussing teachers and whispering classmates. "That's Toni Beckenger. Apparently, Mr. Kimberly told 'em he'd be tutoring Travis."

Ashley explained as Toni was hauled away by a school nurse, never once faltering in his string of curses. "Heard he quit this morning, said Travis was uncooperative. You can imagine what happened after." Larry had just so happened to slide into your peripheral vision, suddenly hyperaware of the gossip and jogging towards both girls.

"And how'd you hear about this...?"

Ashley shrugged, "Small town, word travels fast."

Large, calloused hands thrashed above the rowdy crowd, shouting. "ASH! ASHLE-" He spat out strands of his own hair, now calling your name as if a mantra. "GUYS-! or...GIRLS! HEY-!"

Both Todd and Sal were nowhere to be found. You hadn't spoke to Sal much after your first day, seeming as a week had already passed. Larry had told you he'd had asked for your number, which Larry so kindly provided but then radio silence.

Now, don't get it wrong. Sal hadn't been rude, just rather..distant. He'd waved, greet you in the halls and even sit with the group at lunch but he never seemed to stick around for a one-on-one conversation.

"WHAT LARRY-?!" The girl beside you yelled, earning a yelp from you. The metalhead scurried over, out of breath as he hunched over in exhaustion.

"Gimmie..." He wheezed, sweat beaded his forehead. "Gimmie a minute."

Ashley shook her head. Her tounge clicked the rood of her mouth as she scoped their surroundings. "Where's Sal?"

"Goddamn it women," Larry huffed, "I said," He exhaled deeply. "Give me a minute."

homesick | sal fisher x fem!reader ;; ❞Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora