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╰┈➤ ❝ 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 : ❞

The clock emitted an obnoxious disruption throughout the room, its' steel material hung low as it counted the endless minutes of this punishment.

Cornflower blue converse tapped abruptly against the cool tiles, leg bouncing in anticipation as azure hues threw metaphorical daggers at the object. His eyes flickered between both the clock and device residing in his palms, teeth chewing at the skin of his marred cheek as Sal waited.

Twelve. He'd sent you twelve texts, all either consisting of apologies or concern. Sal was certain you received them, considering you had responded to Ashley's pestering earlier whilst in his company.

SF, 11:03pm :
" I'm sorry "

SF, 11:04pm :
" are you okay?? "

SF, 11:04pm :
" please call me "

No reply, as expected. Sal waited before his hopes of hearing from you began to dwindle.

SF, 1:03pm :
" heading to lunch "

SF, 1:04pm :
" call me when you can "

Yet again, nothing sent on your end. A nagging sensation of guilt still blossomed with his stomach. Earlier, Sal had been thriving off exasperation, now only worry was left in its' wake.

He'd spoken to the trio in Ashley's Bentley Dominator, confiding in them as they pointed out his jittery stature.

┌───      ∘°☆°∘      ───┐

"I fucked up." The statement tumbled from his scarred lips, stunting the vehicle into silence.

Larry had twisted his lean figure, peering into the backseat to meet his friend's narrowed eyes. "Dude, what are you talking abou—?"

Sal shook his head, strands of pretty cerulean hair followed it's motion. "I fucked up." He reiterated, as if an explanation.

The vehicle's AC sputtered, it's sound only furthered the confusion within the car. Ashley glared at the bluenette through her rear view mirror, emerald irises downturned in concern. "Sal, calm down." She demanded, pale knuckles slowly turning the steering wheel as she spoke. "Tell us what happened."

"When you're ready." Larry added, sincerity lacing his reply as Sal inhaled deeply.

Todd had merely observed the event, well aware something now had happened and it did involve you. His usual frown did little to indicate his growing confliction.

"Yesterday," Sal began, digits tangled with each other in his lap as they fidget. Todd noticed you too, had a similar way of distracting yourself. The name slipped from Sal's tounge, only confirming the ginger's suspicions. "I hadn't expected it! I just—" Sal huffed, clearly frustrated. "I ran from her.."

Ashley nodded as if to acknowledge his confession, a frown tugging a her glossy lips. Larry only offered a sympathic smile in hopes to encourage his friend to continue. "And then?" Ashley pressed, foot lightly pressuring the break to stop at a red light.

homesick | sal fisher x fem!reader ;; ❞Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt