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The following day Rhaella, Rhaenyra, Alicent, and Laena sat in the youngest Targaryen bed chambers getting ready. The four-spoke of mostly knights and flying

A knock came soon after. "Lady Stark and Lady Loren!" Both girls made their way inside Rhaellas bed chambers. "Glad you accepted my invitation Lady Lyanna!" Rhaella smile as she patted the open spot next to her.

"It would be foolish of me not to accept an invitation from you Princess Rhaella!" Lyanna smiled. "Please call me Rhaella" the Stark girl smile as she joined them.

The hours went by fast with the girls laughing with one another, the joy that would come from today made them all giggle even more when Cregan was brought up and Lyanna jested calling Rhaella her sister-by-law.

After much teasing they had gotten ready, Rhaellas dress that of her house colors. The six of them made their way to the outer yard where lords and ladies waited for Rhaella to congratulate her. Many lords had their heirs with them. A small conversation was shared with each head of house and their heirs.

"Princess, a pleasure to see you" Jason Lannister spoke as he took Rhaellas hand kissing it for a second too long. "Pleasures all mine" Rhaella spoke taking her hand back. "I wish for you to know that my house" Rhaella blocked the man's words as her eyes landed on Cregan a small smile shared between the both.

"I would certainly not mind building a dragon pit just for you" Rhaella went wide, he had told her sister that last time. "That will not be necessary my lord," Rhaella smile as she excused herself. "Cregan we meet again" Rhaella smiled as Cregan took her hand and kisses it. "We do Rhaella. Our last encounter was quite short" Cregan smiled.

"How is the North, I heard that winter is at its last moons" Rhaella spoke. "It is, it is not as bad as when we came for Rhaenyras ceremony..." Cregan told her. "I should visit before winter ends, I must confess I have not gotten the opportunity to see snow" Cregan looked at her in disbelief.

Before he could answer Viserys interrupted them. "There you are my girl, come everyone wishes to speak with you" Viserys laughed as he took Rhaella away from Cregan leaving the boy be. "You two might have a chance!" A voice came from behind him. "Lyanna, I would hope but what Father speaks is true... King Viserys will marry her to a wealthy house for alliances" Cregan spoke.

"Believe me on this brother the princess has her eyes on you, and when dragons want something they get it" Lyanna spoke before leaving to join the ladies.

Cregan was left behind once more, he marry the princess? Only in his dreams.

Rhaella had been the center of attention, at last, she was able to get herself away from everyone and join her sister and other ladies. When she arrived most of the ladies stood bowing down at her. "Princess Rhaella happy name day" one of the girls spoke.

"Leandres Lannister, correct" Rhaella spoke taking the girl by surprise. "Yes, Princess... My father is Ser Jasons and Tywins cousin" The girl explained how she was related to the Lannisters. "Lovely meeting you" Rhaella spoke as she sat next to Laena.

"I am Cassandra Baratheon, my lady Lord Boremunds daughter" Rhaella smile at the girl. "It is a pleasure to have you at my ceremony my Ladies." Both girls smiled as they all fell into conversation.

"Princess Rhaella" Looking up Rhaella saw Gweine looking at her. "Ser Gweine." The boy gave her a smile as he handed her a box. "This might be?"

"Your present princess, I wish to give it to you myself." Rhaella nodded as she opened it. A necklace with red pearls. How could a son of a second son afford such thing was beyond her understanding.

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