Seventeen -

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Word had reached everyone in the red keep of the fight last night between Princess Rhaella and her lady Loren. No one knew what the fight was about, Rhaella had refused to speak with anyone not even her own sister as she remained in her chambers.

Rhaenyra had sent Arkel to investigate with Loren to see what the fight had been about. She knew it had to be something bad for her own sister to call Loren those awful words. It was just like before her name day, Rhaella became distant once more locking herself in her chamber not even Laena had been allowed in there.

Rhaenys had tried as well but to no avail. Alicent remained by her side trying to prove herself to her, much to Rhaenyra's discomfort. Rhaella on the other hand had been writing letters to herself of everything that was to come, she could not forget anything.

Her plan started tonight, she wrote letters to Rhaenys about what she would have to do this upcoming moon. She had packed a bag full of clothes and food. "Do not forget Loren, Alicent cannot fall with child before Rhaenyra!" Loren nodded from where she sat.

"Why not allow her but... make her lose it?' Loren asked. Rhaella looked at her. "Make her feel useless. Make Otto believe he can win only for the child to not make it full term?" Rhaella grin. "Yes, that can work as well... And Loren I apologize once more for what I said to you. It pained me to say such things" Loren smiled knowing her Princess meant nothing.

"If we want everyone to believe that you hate me, then those words were needed to make it look believable! And before you ask you must not worry about Alicent trusting me. I have been visiting her these past few days. She even came to my chambers last night" Loren laughed.

"What sweet friend" Rhaella jested. "I should send letter twice a moon once I am gone" Loren nodded. "I should do the same."

"For now I should probably leave my room, allowing everyone to see how devasted I am by our fight!" Rhaella spoke as Loren nodded getting up and hugging Rhaella before leaving. Ser Erryk had smiled as he saw her leave her chamber making her feel guilty. The older boy did not speak as he followed her.

Many bowed down to the Princess as she passed giving her pitty looks as well. Rhaella remained with a hurt expression on her face as she kept walking. Her legs took her to the gardens where she knew her sister would be. When she arrived she saw Laena, Laenor, and Rhaenyra laughing with one another.

The first to spot her had been Laenor who engulfed her in a hug, allowing Rhaella to relax as she hugged him back. Rhaenyra and Laena joined before separating as they all sat on the grass no one spoke as they looked where their dragons played.

"I believe a few nights in DragonStone will do all of us some good?" Laenas propose. "The entire castle to ourselves" Laenor jested. "Perhaps Ser Joffrey would enjoy to accompany us?" Rhaenyra teased as she bumped her shoulder to Laenor. Laenor dark skin became rosy at the name of his lover.

"Do not mention his name, Father will grow mad and give me a speech" Laenor complained. "Well father is not here, and I am sure mother would not tell him!" Laena reassured her brother. "You are a Tageryen, it is in our costumes to love someone of our own sex!" Rhaenyra spoke. "To us, not to anyone else, and most certainly not the faiths" Laenor sighed.

"Well they must grow accustomed to it, once I am Queen, things will change for the better... I promise you that Laenor!" Rhaenyra smiled as she held her cousin's hand. The boy gave her a grin as he squished her hand.

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