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~ Year 111 ~


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"Princess Rhaenys!" One of the men spoke as Rhaenys dismounted Meleys. "How is my daughter?" Rhaenys asked as the two of them made their way to the castle. "Lady Laena is alright, her labor started earlier in the night! Due to being with twins, it might take longer than a normal pregnancy!" The man informed her as they entered the castle the grunts of Laena echoing threw the walls.

"Where is Daemon?" Rhaenys asked. She had not spotted or heard Caraxes something which was rare since the dragon was fond of her own mount. "Prince Daemond has been by Lady Laenas side since she went into labor!" The man smiled as the doors to Laenas chambers opened revealing Laena kneeling down as Daemon held her hand.

"Mother!" Laena grunted as Rhaenys smiled kissing her daughter's forehead before taking her daughter's hair in her hands as she began to braid her touch calming Laena down as she began to relax as Rhaenys hummed to her. "Why must this hurt so much?" Laena asked as she began to walk once more Daemon behind her making sure that she would not fall.

It was not long before Laena began to push Daemon and Rhaenys by her side only to be startled when the doors to Laenas chambers opened reveling Rhaenyra heavy with child a smile on her lips before it dropped as Laena let out a scream. "I am glad I did not miss the birth!" Rhaenyra spoke as she grabbed a wet cloth and handed it to Daemon who passed it threw Laenas sweaty forehead. "I am glad you could come, cousin!" Laena spoke between grunts.

"I am too... I do apologize my sister is stuck in the wall winter was not kind to them this cycle and was not able to come!" Rhaenyra smiled sadly when she saw Laenas face drop before letting out a scream as one of the midwives popped her head out of Laenas dress. "I see the head of the first babe!" The older lady smiled as Laena pushed her nails digging into Daemon's hand making the man look down as he bit his lip.

It was not long before the first cry was heard Rhaenys quick to hold the babe as Laena rested her head on Daemon's shoulder as the babe was placed in her arms. The screaming of the child came to an end when it was placed in Laenas arms. "Our Baela!" Laena smiled as Daemon nodded taking the babe as Rhaenyra grabbed her. "Go and be by Laena!" Rhaenyra ordered as she began to clean her sweet Baela.

Rhaenyra had been able to change the babe into a cotton dress before handing it to a wet nurse. Baela quick to latch to the wet nurse's breast as Laena let out another scream as the doors to the room opened once more allowing everyone to see Laenor a worried look on his face as he saw his sister shouting at Daemon for putting her there and how she would do unspeakable things to him once she gives birth to their child.

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