Twenty Three -

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Rhaella and Rhaenyra sat in the eldest chamber. Rhaella shook her head as she drank her tea her Alyssa was busy with her toys and Baelon was fast asleep. "The wildings were a pain in my ass for almost a full cycle! Velaries and I had to kill a few before the boy said something to them!" Rhaenyra gave her sister a look.

"What boy?" Rhaenyra asked. "When I went missing back in Winterfell I met a boy I thought it was Baelon... It wasn't but he spoke of my fourth how it should be like him and that when the times comes he will guide them!" Rhaella told her. "He has not grown since then and it has been two years since I met him. I do not know what he is and no one will tell me" Rhaella spoke frustrated.

"Was she different last time?" Rhaenyra asked. "No! None of the times I had her has she been but a normal child! Elaena was but a happy child and all I can do now is wait and see once I have her!" Rhaella ramble.

"And Lilith has been vocal she might be a girl of 3 but the spirits speak with her, she knows I travel well she doesn't but she said they told her that I am back to make things right! The fucking Witch in the Woods refuses to see me saying that she refuses to see someone who breaks the laws of life like I had any fucking option here!" Rhaella sneered making Alyssa look at her.

"Sorry, my little dragon." Rhaella smiled. "What of the boats?" Rhaenyra asked. "Oh, those were a gift from Prince Qoren for the engagement between Aliandra and Baelon." Rhaenyra looked at her. "I just brought them to brag sister is that so wrong of me to do? Also so that Corlys knows you do not need to depend on him when it comes to war in sea!" Rhaella smiled.

"By the way, you will have to meet him... Baelon and I should travel to Dorn when he is five, he is to go and spend a few moons with Aliandra. Aliandra will be coming to Kings Landing to meet you when I do not know!" Rhaenyra nodded. "Good to know, when do you plan on announcing their betrothment to the Kingdom?"

"Once they come, and I expect a tourney will be thrown for the next head of house Martell as well our clear advantage to the Greens!" Rhaenyra nodded. "I will you must not worry... I do believe I heard commotion this morning?"

Before anything else happened the doors opened revealing Cregan, Robert, and Harwin. "Kepa!" Alyssa smiled as she ran to her father Cregan smiled as he picked his daughter up kissing her forehead. "Do you mind if I take Alyssa and Baelon?" Cregan asked as Robert carefully picked the babe up.

"You do not have to ask husband they are your children as well! Go and have fun!" Rhaella laughed as Cregan planted a kiss on her lips. "Love you!" the two whispered. "Love you" Alyssa smiled at the two of them. "Love you too my sweet girl" Rhaella smiled as they left.

"Corlys and Laenor" Rhaella explained going back to the conversation they were having. She explained to Nyra what had happened between father and son and how she had told Rhaenys that her husband had overstayed his invitation and it was time for him to leave. "I would like to mention that my blood moon has been late a week now" Rhaenyra added making Rhaella stand from her seat and hug her sister.

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