Chapter : 25

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Heyyy guys!!! Today's question is..

"What's your favourite song that you can listen repeatedly?"

"Well mine is All Bts songs and FADED. I love that song so much."

Comment yours....

Yibo was standing  in living room beside his Dad. His phone started to rang. He checked caller ID. It was Zhou Cheng. Yubin came from behind.

"Who is calling you? I haven't given Zhan your number yet." Yubin asked teasingly.

"It's a friend from college." Yibo was said and cut the call.

"You should have told before, this is no way of enforcing us." Mrs. Wang said coming another side.

"You should have listen to me before." Yibo answered back.

"What if something had happened.." Before she could complete Yibo yelled.

"Uncle Jack!! Bring coffee for mom." Yibo ordered the household and left.

"Yibo? Yibo!! Listen to me..." She tried to stop him but he didn't stop.

"Why do you keep playing guitar all the time? Why don't you explain it to him." Mrs. Wang accused.

Mr. Wang smile and started singing a romantic song. Mrs. Wang roll her eyes.

Yibo was sitting in his room watching TV.
His phone rang, he checked caller ID it was again Zhou Cheng. He ignored it.

His phone keot ringing. Yibo smirked and ignored it.

— : At Xiao's Home : —

Zhan and Zhou Cheng were lying on their beds.

"Hey! How can someone be so handsome? I mean I am a strong boy but here I become weak too." Zhan said dreaming.

"And you are wierd. You should have told me it wasn't that stupid Ha Peng but some hot hunk." Zhan accused Zhou Cheng but he didn't reply.

"I'm talking to you. Whenever a proposal comes to this house,  you become sad. Why?" Zhan said.

"There's nothing like that." Zhou Cheng said.

"If you have any problem then share it with me. I always share my problems with you. So you should do it too. We're brothers." Zhan said with a smile.

"Don't run your brain horses. I am fine." Zhou Cheng replied.

"Are you sure?" Zhan asked.

"Yeah" Zhou Cheng assured him with a smile.

[He wanted to tell Zhan everything. About Yibo, about their relationship, now all these proposal things. But he couldn't gather courage.]

Next Morning : –

At university,  Zhou Cheng asked everyone about Yibo. If he come to university or not. But he didn't came.

Zhou Cheng spotted Xuan, he approached him.

"I need to talk to you." Zhou Cheng said.

"Yes?" Xuan asked.

"Yibo came yesterday for my younger brother's  proposal. I don't know why he took such a cheap step. Please, you talk to him, he isn't attending my calls, please." Zhou Cheng pleaded.

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