Chapter : 10

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Yibo was sitting in the backside of his house, playing guitar and humming a song. Mr.Wang came, sat beside him and silently listen to his song.

"Wow! Wow! Bravo! Bravo!" Mr. Wang clapped for Yibo.

"It's proven from DNA that you are my own son." Mr. Wang said happily.

"DNA?" Yibo's brows furrowed with a questionable look on his face.

"Yes! You sing as bad as I do. What more proof is needed than this?" Mr. Wang said and laughed loudly. Yibo smiled.

"Dad have you fallen in love?" Yibo asked suddenly.

"Man! I used to fall in love daily in your age." Mr. Wang replied.

"I'm talking about love." Yibo said in serious tone.

"What kind of love are you talking about?" Mr. Wang asked confused.

"The one in which you feel anxious. You can't wait and you want other person to love you back." Yibo said sadly.

"It is such a strange love in which you are talking about only giving. Anyways leave it. Who's it?" Mr. Wang asked excitedly.

"There is someone. There is someone who keeps me away from him and doesn't let me come close or may be he is testing me." Yibo replied.

"So it's HE." Mr. Wang asked excited and Yibo nodded his head.

"Good! Do fall in love.." Mr. Wang patted Yibo's shoulder and continued.

"Do it openly but never imprison him. Always let him fly in open air. Okay? Mr. Wang asked.

Yibo nodded his head.


Around 3 a.m. in the morning, Zhan was  sleeping peacefully while Zhou Cheng was sitting on his bed and kept thinking about Yibo.

Zhan woke up to drank water and noticed Zhou Cheng sitting awake.

"Hey? Why are you awake?" Zhan asked in sleepy tone.

"I'm not sleepy." Zhou Cheng answered.

"A person is usually sleep but to stay awake there must be some reasons." Zhan said.

"Why are you arguing Zhan?" Zhou Cheng asked irritated.

"I understand. Are you having anxiety because of the proposal." Zhan said.

"I'm not understanding anything. I don't know him. I haven't seen him properly. What would be his temperament. Either we have same habits or not. I don't know anything." Zhou Cheng answered nervously.

"Hmm... So that's the problem. Hey, Chill. What will you get by taking tension?" Zhan said.

"Also, Dad has taken this decision after thinking a lot. He wouldn't get you married with anyone." Zhan take a pause then continue..

"And God forbid, if anything wrong happens then we are standing with you. Then why are you worrying?
Don't take tension. Every thing will be fine. Okay?" Zhan asked.

"Hmm" Zhou Cheng hummed in response.

"Sleep now." Zhan said, drank water and again drifted to hos deep slumber.


Next morning : –

Zhou Cheng was playing basketball in the college court alone. He was keep missing the goal. Then tiredly he sat aside. Yibo was watching him. He came and sat beside him.

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