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Kanzari stormed out of the gym as soon as the coaches dismissed everyone.

"Kanzari wait up!" Asira yelled as she and their other friends ran to catch up with her. She was fuming and was clenching her fists. "Come on Kanzari, don't be salty".

"She's mad someone finally outdid her" Sachi said smiling at the others and they all nodded.

"He didn't outdo me... I just let my guard down for a second." Kanzari stated, stopping in her tracks. "He is a cocky little asshole."

"Even if he was... he has a right to. He is better than you." Jumiya said raising her eyebrows and grinning. Kanzari just decides to ignore her.

"Well he is totally Sachi's type, he looks similar to Yuki." Asira teases slapping Sachi's shoulder causing her to grab her shoulder in pain sarcastically.

"Don't compare him to Ran, Yuki is on top!" Sachi announced reaching her hand up in the sky and pointing up "He is up there, while Ran is about here" then pointing to the ground.

The quartet walked until they reached the school gates, which is where they usually go their seperate ways. Asira and Sachi's houses are right next to each other, and they turn left from the gate, while Jumiya's house is straight across the road and at the end of that street, while Kanzari turns right. 

They all waved their goodbyes and Kanzari took out her headphones from her bag and put them on. It is a quite dark way to get to her house and she is quite scared whenever she walks home, but it is only 10 minutes so she manages. Kanzari decided to listen to Crying Lightning by Arctic Monkeys when she got interrupted mid song by a small tap on her shoulder.

She turns around and punches without looking, terrified. Her punch gets stopped mid-way.

"Chillax, it's just me" Ran stated lowering her hand down. "Scared much?"

"Good enough reason to punch you. Why are you following me?" Kanzari questioned, taking off her headphones and pausing the song. "I am not interested."

"My house is the direction too you know..." Ran smiled at her as he continued walking and Kanzari followed.

Ran was getting something out of his bag while walking and pulled out a KitKat. He split it in the package and opened it. "Want one?" Kanzari couldn't resist a KitKat offering, so she took the half and ate it. 

They ate in silence until Ran broke it "What block do you live on?"

"I am not trying to make small talk with you." Kanzari proclaimed, still munching on her KitKat.

"Come on, I already gave you my precious half of a KitKat" Ran joked, smiling at Kanzari who just glared at him.

"Block 4" Kanzari whispered, walking faster to make Ran catch up with her.

"Same" Ran replied smiling awkwardly and scratching the back of his head.

Kanzari looked at him and groaned and she kept on walking until they reached block 4.

"What house do you live in?" Ran asked, as Kanzari pointed at the one 2 houses away. "Oh, I live beside you!"

"Ok" Kanzari says blatantly, walking to her house. Ran escorts her at her front door.

Ran waved at her as she unlocked the door and went inside, not looking back once. Ran sighs and thought to himself 'I have to put up with her every single day from now on' as he walked to the house right after Kanzari's.

Kanzari walks in to her house greeted by Akino and her parents on the couch.

"Sona Kanzari, who was that boy?" Kanzari's dad, Deishin, questioned.

"He was the one who replaced me... oh also did we get in?" Akino stated, and looked up at her.

"Yes we both got in, also that kid is annoying and he just moved in to the empty house next to us. We aren't close." Kanzari replied, taking her shoes off and putting on her slippers, walking towards her room "I'll just take a shower, I'll be out for dinner."

Kanzari takes a shower and does her skincare and goes out to eat dinner with her family. The food was laid out on the table. 

"Sit down Zari" Her mom, Kazea said, as Kanzari pulls out her chair and gets ready to eat. "That boy earlier was quite handsome, and he was waving, are you sure you two aren't close?"

"Mom, he just moved in, and he's new. I met him like 4 hours ago. Plus, he's really annoying." Kanzari declared, starting to stuff food in her mouth.

"He was waving goodbye to you though... at least give him a chance" Kanzari's mom remarks, also starting to eat.

"Don't give her ideas Kazea, she just turned 15." Kanzari's dad argued "don't be getting all flirty with boys. You better not be lying when you say that you aren't close" pointing his spoon at Kanzari.

After dinner and cleaning up, Kanzari brushes her teeth and lays on her bed checking her phone. The group chat had so many notifications about school work and projects as always. 

Kanzari texts "I walked home with Takahashi" to her friends, and turns her phone off to fall asleep. Her phone started vibrating like crazy, so she decided to pick it up and text.

"What do you mean you walked with him? As in he walked you to your house?" Questions like these were flooding the group chat and Kanzari sighs.

She replies by saying "He lives right beside my house." The group chat starts getting spammed with things like 'Oh my god it's destiny' and stuff like that so Kanzari decided to try to sleep. 

She stood up to close her lights and sit on her bed, looking outside the window. Kanzari's room was on the far right side of her house, and her window is facing Ran's house. She sees him, on his laptop typing, he seemed serious and not smiling like always. He looked strangely handsome and Kanzari finds herself staring at him for too long and shudders. 

"Snap out of it Kanzari" she tells herself as she closes the blinds and face the other way, dozing off into sleep.

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