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Kanzari woke up, feeling quite refreshed. She looked down and saw she was wearing her school uniform, and she tried recalling what happened last night. She remembered everything that happened, and how she fell asleep. She wondered why she suddenly was tucked in bed, but just brushed it off and got ready for school.

The school day went by pretty fast, Kanzari understanding her psychology, bio, physics, and chem classes, but not as much as the other ones. 

Ran and Kanzari met up again after school, and they both walked back to Kanzari's house. Ran having to go through her parents again, and finally studying.

"What do you need this time, ma'am?" Ran sat on Kanzari's bed, and she laid down beside him, just like the day before. Her head was a few inches away from Ran's lap, and she pulled out her school supplies.

"Can we do art, music, and drama? It's easy" Kanzari groaned, getting her VPA notebook and opening it.

"If it's so easy, why don't you do it yourself?" Ran giggled, as Kanzari soured her face as a joke at him. She moved her position, and put her back against the bed headboard. She patted next to her, and Ran moved to sit next to her.

"Because... now please help" Kanzari jokingly grabbed his shoulder and made a stupid pleading face. Ran shooed her hand away, and started explaining.

Kanzari was bored, since these subjects were pretty easy, and the exams weren't hand written but in school. Ran just had to explain the basic elements of the subjects, because Kanzari wasn't listening the whole semester.

She was getting quite sleepy, and for a second, her brain blacked out. Her head dropped, and it landed on Ran's shoulders. Ran was shocked, but he chuckled to himself and patted her head. He knew it was a boring subject, and he rest his head against the headboard. He would wake her up in a bit, considering it was still pretty early.

Suddenly, Kanzari's bedroom door blasted open, which made Ran jump, then led to Kanzari jumping too. It was Akino, who looked like he had just seen a ghost.

"What the... fuck?" Akino walked in, and shut the door behind him "what happened to studying..."

Ran got on his knees on the floor. "It's not what you think it is Akino" he looked like a beggar.

"Ran you look stupid, get up" Kanzari told him, and he looked at her, and he sat beside her again, hugging his knees. "We are studying... my brain just blacked out for a second and I fell asleep. Sorry Ran" Kanzari explained "get out Akino."

"I'm telling dad" He said, about to leave, but Kanzari jumped out the bed to him. She grabbed his hand and went on his knees.

"Akino... I'll buy you anything. Please don't" Kanzari was begging him, and he was laughing at her, taking pictures.

"I thought it was just a misunderstanding" He said to Kanzari.

"It is, and our parents will misunderstand even more." Kanzari explained, and Akino sighed and nodded his head, before getting out. Kanzari was still on the floor, then got up to sit next to Ran again, who became comfortable.

"Sorry, I just blacked out. But I was listening before, so continue" Kanzari commanded, and Ran did as she told him.

Ran was explaining drama, when Kanzari was confused. "Wait, how do you like do the hand signals he was making us do" Kanzari asked, and Ran sighed before showing her. Kanzari tried copying him, but failed miserably, and Ran sighed, before grabbing Kanzari's hand.

"Like this, you have to emphasize the ring finger of your left hand" He gently sculpted Kanzari's hand, and she was in awe. 

"Ohhhh okay" She said, and Ran continued what he was saying. After just 2 hours, they finished the VPA subjects.

"Wait Ran, can we do economics?" She asked, and Ran nodded. He explained, and was helping Kanzari with her notes, helping her write down some graphs and stuff.

"Can I see the other graph? It's on your laptop right?" Kanzari asked Ran, and he scrolled to the eco graph. Kanzari scooted closer because she couldn't see, until their shoulders were touching. She leaned her head forward, until it was a few inches away from his chest. Kanzari really didn't realize how close she was being to Ran this whole time, since it was quite a normal thing for her. Ran however, wasn't used to this stuff, and was quite shocked, but got used to it.

"What the fuck? How am I supposed to draw that?" Kanzari complained, pointing at the screen, then looking up at Ran, who looked down at her "please... help".

Ran took Kanzari's notebook, and his right hand grabbed her hand, and he guided her to draw it. Kanzari was inspecting carefully, and smiled when she finally got it. She shooed his hand away, and finished the graph herself.

"Oh my god I'm so good" Kanzari proudly said, Ran laughing at her. "Can we do french? Luckily we both take it."

Ran helped out Kanzari, and was quizzing her using postcards, and she was slowly getting it. Kanzari's shoulders were still touching with Ran's.

"Express how you feel about volleyball very specifically." Ran quizzed her.

"Le volley-ball est un sport très technique, impliquant des compétences de saut, de l'agilité et l'utilisation de votre cerveau. J'aime le frisson de celui-ci." Her sentence was correct, but her pronounciation made Ran laugh.

"You sound like a dying horse" Ran was laughing so hard, and Kanzari had her shoulders crossed, with her eyebrows furrowed at him.

"Fuck off Ran, he doesn't care about that" Kanzari laughed, leaning against Ran, who was still laughing.

Ran's phone started ringing, and he picked it up. He just replied with an okay, and put it down.

"Sorry Kanzari, I have to go back home... study well" Ran smiled, got up, and packed his things. He rushed out of the house and back into his own. Ran's parents smiled at him, and he showered and put on his pajamas. Once he got in his room, he laid down on his bed, and looked at his window. He saw Kanzari, in pajamas now and with wet hair, writing on her notebook, and scrolling on her laptop. She realized he was looking at her, and she looked at his way.

Ran chuckled, and gave a thumbs up at Kanzari, who replied with a smile and a nod, before she went back to studying. Ran was still looking at her, and her determination, he thought it was quite nice that she was very determined, and he was glad that she thought of him as a friend. He also thought about how he felt about her before, trying to force himself to like her, and he chuckled to himself. Kanzari wasn't that bad after all. 

Ran ended up falling asleep, his head still facing at Kanzari. It was about 12AM when Kanzari decided to sleep too. She put her stuff on her desk, and laid down, looking at her window, and she saw Ran who's head was still facing her way. She chuckled, and fell asleep just after a bit.

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