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Kanzari was sitting at inside of her house, right at the front door. She had her hands in her hair, while she was stuck in her thoughts. She was going crazy for him, but she didn't want to. At all. She would rather like anyone else, and she hates it. Her thoughts were running in her mind rapidly, she was extremely confused.

She doesn't want to like him, but she hopelessly does. She doesn't want to like him, but she loves the feeling she gets from him, since it was like nothing she's never felt before. She wants to try everything she can to stop liking him, but she knows she will fall right back in to his grasp again. Her heart was aching for him, and it wouldn't stop, it would just increase.

Kanzari stood up from the front door eventually, once she has calmed down. She looked out the window, and saw Ran walking, and she immediately hid herself. She didn't know why she was hiding, but she just did. She kept taking small peaks at him, finally moving once he got in to his house. 

She really had nothing to do for a bit, since her whole family was out. Her parents weren't all that strict, just with boys, and they let her go on the trip as long as she was with her girl friends. Kanzari decided to pack her clothes already, since all of the clothes just came out of the washing. She packed loads of swimsuits and beachwear, and a few other things like hygiene products.

After an hour of two or packing, she got everything ready. She decided to go to 711 since she was quite hungry.

She walked outside of the house, and saw Ran, who was actually right in front of her porch. She was shocked, and her heart started aching as soon as she saw him. He was holding a volleyball, his hair still resting on his face, and he smiled at Kanzari.

"Sorry for randomly... anyway, I was going to ask you if you wanted to rally" Ran scratched the back of his head "it's kind of boring..."

Kanzari's hunger disappeared, just like that, as she smiled and nodded. 

"Great... you better not be rusty!" He laughed as he walked down the porch and in the road. Kanzari stared at him in awe for a second, before following him.

Sona Kanzari, being Sona Kanzari, was never rusty. The two rallied again just like how it was before. As much as Kanzari liked Ran, she never wanted to lose to anyone, even if it was him.

The two were rallying for quite a long time, before they both basically collapsed on the road beside each other, laughing. The only thing seperating them was the ball in between them.

"I'll never get tired of playing with you, Kanzari" Ran flashed a big bright smile at Kanzari, which she had never seen before. She felt her heart drop, and her face soften.

"You've never smiled like that" Kanzari was staring at him in awe, which led to him just laughing more.

"Why? You like it more?" He joked, but he was right "before, I guess I was just trying to deal with you... faking my smiles, hoping you and I would eventually start to like each other, and we did! At least I think we did... did we?".

"Yes, we did" Kanzari smiled at him again, before sitting up. If only he knew she meant it in a completely different way than he thought.

"Kanzari, I have to go... I think I need to do something for my mom" Ran stood up and waved to Kanzari, as he scurried back in to his house.

Kanzari was left on the road smiling to herself. She tried to slap herself to snap out of it, but she couldn't. Kanzari stood up and walked back inside her house.


The week flew by pretty quick, all the friends were going out occasionally. Kanzari and Ran still continued to rally, and it made Kanzari fall for him more and more. Everyone was allowed to go on the beach trip, and they were all excited. 

Finally, the day came of the beach trip. They all met at Kanzari's restaurant and ate lunch before the limo arrived. They were all towards the southern side of Kyoto, and they were going to the northern side in Maizuru, so it was going to take a long time.

Yuki booked an AirBNB for everyone, and they would stay for 3 days. They all decided not to have an itinerary, and instead just go with the flow.

A/N: Sorry for the extremely short chapter! I honestly did not know what else to write, and it's kind of a filler chapter. The next chapters will have loads of things to look forward to!

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