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The weekend passed by like lightning, and suddenly it was Monday again. Lessons were all about mock exams, and quiet time for studying. Kanzari was trying, really trying. She knew if she put her mind to things, she could do it. But, she was quite lost because she wasn't paying attention this whole semester. She was on the verge of crying this whole day.

The bell rung, and Kanzari rushed to get out of school. She was waiting in front of the school building, and Ran greeted her.

"I'm going to fucking kill myself" Kanzari complained to Ran, as soon as she saw him "there is no fucking way I'm passing".

Ran laughed at her, and patted her back. "That is why your guardian angel, Takahashi Ran is here to save you!" he joked, and Kanzari furrowed her eyebrows at him, then started walking.

They stopped by 711, bought some chips and stuff, and walked to Kanzari's house. The restaurant was closed that day, since most of the workers were on their day off.

The two arrived at the front door, and Kanzari was about to open the door when she remembered her parents were going to be there. "Ran, my parents are here... please be careful" Kanzari warned Ran, and he nodded as Kanzari opened the door.

Her mom and dad were watching TV, and saw Kanzari with Ran behind her. "Ran! Hello darling!" Kazea greeted Ran, while standing up. Kanzari's dad on the other hand was looking him up and down.

"What are you doing here... young man? And what is your business with my daughter?" He stood up, and Ran was bowing at a 90 degree angle at both of them.

"We're studying... remember? I have to pass for the Tokyo thing" Kanzari told them, and looked at Ran who was still bowing and greeting them. She looked at him in concern, grabbed his wrist and dragged him to her room. 

"Don't lock the door!" Deishin yelled, as Kanzari slammed the door and opened the lights.

She sighed, putting her bag on her, then sitting down on the office chair. Ran was kind of just standing there.

"What are you doing? Sit" Kanzari patted her bed, and Ran sat on it, putting his bag next to him.

"What do you want to learn first madam?" Ran joked, getting out his laptop, notebooks, and his pens. Kanzari spun her chair to face him.

"Let's start easy... and by easy it still makes me want to die. Psychology, it's making me want to rip my hair out" Kanzari told Ran, and he opened his laptop and his psych notebook.

Ran started explaining to Kanzari about the semester topic. She had her notebook out, and she was vigorously writing. She couldn't write on her lap, so she joined Ran on the bed. She laid down, stomach on the bed, writing beside Ran who was still sitting.

"I think... I kind of get it but like I don't at the same time. I'm for real going to die" Kanzari gripped her hair in frustration. Ran laughed at her and patted her back, which led to Kanzari shooing his hand away.

"Listen to me" Ran continued explaining, and Kanzari was slowly piecing it together. Time was passing by fast, since Ran wasn't a boring explainer, and Kanzari had put her mind to this.

"So do you get it? That's basically all of psychology this semester" Ran asked her, and she looked at her notes in awe, and at him in awe. She nodded enthusiastically, as she looked at her notes again smiling.

Kanzari had her hopes up, but then she checked her phone and saw it was already 7PM, then her mood dropped once again "3 hours just for psych? We have like 10 million other subjects" Kanzari groaned, putting her head on the bed. Ran laughed at her hopelessness.

"Trust me, that is a short amount of time" He patted her head, which had her messy long hair all over the bed. She slapped his hand away, and he held it, pouting. "We better get a move on if you want to pass" he reminded her, and she put her head up.

"Can we do the sciences? Like bio, chem, physics, you know?" Kanzari lazily asked him, and he nodded. He started explaining, until Kanzari's mom called for dinner.

Ran was shocked, but Kanzari got up, and grabbed Ran out of the bed again, to the dinner table. He bowed and greeted them again, and Kazea pulled a seat for Ran to sit in. He sat down, thanking her. Akino walked out of his room, shocked to see Ran.

"What the fuck? Are you dating him now..? I thought you hated.. nevermind" He sat down next to Kanzari, and she quickly denied it.

Deishin was questioning Ran the whole dinner, Ran managing to handle him and answer perfectly. Deishin was still glaring at him, but he was quite impressed. Once they finished dinner, Ran bowed once again, getting dragged by Kanzari back into her room. 

Ran started explaining to Kanzari, as she also was vigorously writing. She and him were quite focused, since Ran tutoring Kanzari was a way to tutor himself as well.

"So you have to memorize the order of that too" He told Kanzari, looking at her. Kanzari was asleep, her head on her notebook, and her pencil dropped onto the floor. Ran giggled at her, and checked the time. It was already 11PM, so he decided it was time to leave. He packed up his bags, but saw how worrysome Kanzari looked in that position.

Ran put down his bag on her chair, looking at Kanzari. He picked up her pencil and put it on the desk. He gently moved her head, so that he could also take her notebook and put it next to the pencil. He sighed, before putting his arms underneath Kanzari's body, to carry her. He put her head on her pillow, and put the blankets over her. 

Ran then quietly exited the room, and saw her parents were asleep too. He sighed, once he got outside of her house, and walked to his house. Ran went inside, and saw his parents waiting for him.

"Where have you been Ran?" His dad questioned him, and Ran lazily greeted them. He was quite tired.

"I was next door, you know with the Sona's? I'm helping their daughter, Kanzari, to study" He sighed, about to walk away.

"Are you dating her? That's good! I approve! You should introduce us!" His mom squealed, grabbing Ran's shoulders, and he shook his head.

"I'm not dating her. She isn't my type" Ran said, taking his mom's hands off his shoulders, before walking in his room. He took a quick shower, and fell asleep immediately, his brain being put to sleep.

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