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Days passed, nights passed. Their feelings and emotions slowly overcoming their pride and ego. They missed each other and thought that they hated each other, even though all they really hated was themselves.

It was a rainy Sunday night. The streets were flooded, the electricity occasionally kept cutting off. The storm didn't seem to have an ending.

Kanzari was sitting in her bedroom, playing on the Minecraft world she shared with the juniors. She was alone in the world, building her house. It was a good way for her to kill some time, but her mind was on Ran and how much she missed him, and thinking that he probably will never talk to her again. She stared at her closed curtains, wondering what Ran was up to in his own room.

He was watching anime, Haikyuu to be specific, on his laptop. He had his earphones in, and was munching on some popcorn. He wasn't paying full attention on the anime. His mind was on Kanzari, thinking the same exact thing she was thinking. How much he missed her, thinking that she would never want to talk to him again. He blankly stared at his closed curtains, wondering what she was up to in her own room.

They both sighed, before returning their attention to whatever they were doing beforehand. Their heart would be beating harder and harder, as their mind kept thinking about each other.

 The two of them couldn't take it anymore. Kanzari quit her game and closed her laptop. Ran shut his laptop. They rushed outside their rooms to their front doors, their parents asking them where they were going. Both of them make up an excuse, grab their raincoats and boots, and quickly put them on.

They rushed outside of their own houses and closed the door, walking to the streets to the other house. Then they met, in the middle of each others house, in the pouring rain.

"I'm sorry" was what came out of both of their mouths. They both chuckled before saying "It's not your fault".

The two couldn't bear it. They both run up to each other. Ran cups Kanzari's face with his hands. His touch is warm, but it still made her goosebumps rise more than any rain. She tiptoed, and he leaned down. He gently pulls her face in his.

It felt amazing, as if a huge weight was lifted from their shoulders. They matched each other perfectly and it felt like they could stay in that moment forever. No one cared about the cold winds and the rain that was surronding them, all they cared about was each other.

Kanzari pulled away and got off her tiptoes. The two of them looked at each other before chuckling a bit. They were at a loss for words.

"Uhm..." Ran laughed. "What were you doing out here?".

"I was going to your house to uhm... apologize" Kanzari was kind of stuttering, not knowing what to do.

"Same..." Ran said awkwardly. They really didn't know what to do after this, but they were both extremely starstruck.

"Uhm... I have to go back now in my-" Kanzari was saying, before Ran grabbed her hand when she walked away.

"I like you, Kanzari. I'm sorry if I was too much in your space and shit but... I really didn't know back then that I liked you" Ran started, he kind of blurted it all out. Kanzari chuckled, he was really cute and she nodded.

"I like you too Ran, now if you don't want my parents to kill you, I'm going back inside" Kanzari tiptoed and kissed him on the cheek. He was stunned, and held his face as he watched Kanzari go back in her house and wave goodbye. He chuckled to himself before going back in to his house.

"Why did you go out for like 10 minutes then come back? Where did you go?" Deishin questioned her, as she walked back inside. She was honestly shocked they didn't see her, but the rain and fog was probably covering it up.

"Just forgot something at Sokusha... but it wasn't there so I'll find it after the rain stops" Kanzari was really good at making up excuses on the spot, and this was a perfect example. He nodded at hre as Kanzari walked back to her room and took a shower. She was jumping up and down in her shower squealing, as she sang to her playlist. She was singing to Cake by ITZY when she slipped a bit. She wasn't pissed like always, she laughed and continued.

After showering, she went back to her room and opened her curtains. She saw Ran on the other side, who decided to also open his curtains, watching on his bed. He felt her looking at him, and he looked up at her and smiled. Kanzari giggled and got in to bed with her laptop to play some roblox on her mousepad.

Ran remembered something, as he opened his nightstand next to his bed and pulled out a whiteboard. He wrote something on it, before showing it to Kanzari.


Kanzari giggled before she took out hers too, and scribbled on it.


"What's up"

"We just saw each other"

"I didn't ask you what's up"

Kanzari frowned before scribbling back.

"I was not okay but I am now"



"Are you okay now because of me?" Ran tried to draw a smiley face emoji but failed

"Wow narcissist" Kanzari chuckled

"Am I lying?"

"No... how about you?"


"What's up"

"The same as you. You made me okay :))))" Ran resorted to that instead and Kanzari chuckled.

"Wow I'm that amazing"

"You are"

Kanzari blushed before scribbling again. "I know right".

Ran's door opened and he quickly hid his whiteboard. He waved at Kanzari and she shrugged.

She put back her whiteboard and turned off her lights, laying in her bed chuckling to herself. She was all giddy and happy, and her worries died down.

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