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On Sunday, Akino and Kanzari switched places, so Kanzari had the house to herself the whole day. She was cooking some cup noodles for lunch on facetime with her friends.

"Oh my god guys, it's Yuki's birthday next week! I'm at the mall trying to look for presents. Help me" Sachi was yelling at her phone, since she was in a pretty busy mall.

"Honestly you greeting him would be enough" Kanzari tells Sachi,  who mocked her laughing.

"Shut the fuck up. Jumiya, what do I buy?" Sachi screams at the phone again.

"Why the fuck you asking me?" Jumiya chuckled a bit, eating some potato chips.

"You're Jumiya. Help me out here" Sachi pleaded with Jumiya, which sent her in to a state of thought.

"Didn't he mention liking that one character from Haikyuu? Kageyama, was it? Get him a plushie. There's like an anime store in that mall, it's across H&M" Jumiya advises Sachi, who thanks her and hangs up to go buy it.

The three girls just sit in call talking about some casual things, and when they hung up, Kanzari was pretty much on TikTok for the rest of the day.

Kanzari rubbed her eyes as the alarm beside her kept on ringing. She turned it off and got up, feeling pretty energized. She gets ready, and leaves the house at 6:15.

As Kanzari walked outside the front porch, she heard running behind her and realized who was about to appear. Ran tapped her shoulder and Kanzari looked at him. 

"Hey, you okay now? I mean... you looked okay on Saturday" Ran tried to show some care for Kanzari "Didn't know you could smile like that" he chuckled "It's better than your frown, you should do it more often".

"Well you're in luck because I'm never doing that again. I was smiling to your family members" Kanzari looked at him mocking his chuckle then continues walking.

"Oh well, its a one in a lifetime experience. There's a higher chance I get hit by an asteroid than seeing that again." Ran giggled while Kanzari smirks at him

"Wanna bet? I'm betting on the asteroid one, I hope you don't survive" Kanzari mocks his lousy smile once again, and he laughs confused.

"Ouch. Alright, if I do survive you still pay me" Ran told Kanzari, who rolled her eyes while slightly grinning. Ran realized this, but decided not to mention it. The two arrived at Tohuzama and climbed up to the 3rd floor.

"You're back!" Jumiya yells a bit too loud when Kanzari enters the room with Ran "I was all alone here, doing group projects by myself" she chuckles.

"You always did them yourself" Kanzari replies to her.

The day passed by as usual, Kanzari and Jumiya barely managing to pull themselves through classes. The bell rang during their psychology class, and the girls rushed out immediately, and met with the other two by the stairs.

"Guys, before we eat, can you guys please come with me? To give Yuki his present! Please?" Sachi pleaded with them as they all laughed at her "Fake friends..."

"Yea guys, come on! Jumi, you're going to see..." Asira moved closer to the girls "Miyaura Kento".

Jumiya frowned at her, but then reluctantly agreed to come with them.

Kanzari basically had no decision. All her friends were going, and she would have noone to eat lunch with so she accompanied them. The girls ran up to the rooftop, which is where Yuki and his friends ate lunch. Kanzari knew Ran was going to be with them, and dreaded the idea of seeing him again.

They got to the top of the rooftop, and walked to one of the big tables, where Yuki, Yuji, Kento, and Ran were sitting. They were all whispering and giggling, especially Yuji. Sachi mustered up the courage, and decided to walk to them. The other girls reluctantly followed, looking extremely awkward. Asira wasn't really close with any of them, Jumiya had a crush on Kento, but didn't really talk to him, and Kanzari hates Ran with a burning passion.

The boys notice the girls, and they wave. Yuki stood up "What are you doing here, Chi? With all of your friends too". The girls awkwardly smiled at him, and he did the same thing.

"Well, I wanted to give you a gift. For your birthday." Sachi smiled, as she revealed what she was hiding behind her back. It was in a wrapped box. Yuki smiled and looked at Sachi "Well, aren't you going to open it?"

Yuki sat down, opening the presents, but the girls were awkwardly standing there. "Sit down guys, it's okay." The girls looked at each other, and reluctantly sat down. Sachi and Asira sat beside Yuki and Yuji, while the other two were forced to be with Ran and Kento. 

"Don't be all awkward, go ahead and eat, we're all starving" Yuji told everyone, and they all unpacked their lunch boxes. Kanzari was sitting directly beside Ran (getting pushed by Jumiya) and she looked at him. Ran looked back at her and smiled.

At first, everyone wasn't really talking and it was really awkward. But Sachi and Yuki were talking and Yuki was thanking her, and Yuji joined in their conversation. Ran started talking to Kanzari, about Saturday, and Kanzari refused to admit that Ran is kind of fun at times, even if she still hates his guts. Kento joined their conversation, and Jumiya joined as well just for it to not be awkward. Soon enough, they all became chaotic loud mouths, laughing at everything and everyone judging their table.

"Fuck off ran!" Yuji yelled at Ran, who was laughing at some candid photo of him "Anyway, Yuki, are you going to invite the girls to your sleepover thing? It would be boring for just 4 people..." Yuji asks Yuki, quite loudly so the girls heard.

"I mean, you basically announced it to the world, so sure, if they want to of course" Yuki chuckled, and looked at the girls.

"I'm down! Me and Asira were supposed to work on some group project but we already finished it!" Sachi announced, and Asira also agreed to come.

"I'll go too, I have nothing better to do with my life" Jumiya added, then looked at Kanzari, who was already shaking her head.

"Nope." She plainly tells everyone, and they all sigh.

"Don't be petty Kanzari. Would you rather do a cleaning of Sokusha?" Jumiya questioned Kanzari. She thought of it for a while, but then agreed.

"So it's settled then. I'll tell my parents." Yuki announced, and everyone cheered, except Kanzari who was awkwardly smiling.

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