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The last day of the beach trip came. Everyone was sad, but they had the day to make the most out of it.

Kanzari got changed in to her last beach dress, and last swimsuit underneath. She was calmer now, her heart got used to the adrenaline it got whenever she saw Ran. However, it would never get used to his gestures and touches.

The thing is, Kanzari is texting with Masahiro a lot. She enjoyed talking with him, even though he gave occasional icks. Her mind was set on liking Masahiro, she really didn't want to like Ran. She doesn't have a reason for not liking Ran, except for the fact that he is Ran. That is enough for Kanzari.

They all walked to another breakfast place on the beach side. It was a bit closer, and hidden, so not much people would be there. Kanzari was talking with Jumiya by the front of the group. Kanzari felt Ran's eyes on her in the corner of her eye. He was facing down, but his eyes were looking up. He looked kind of pitiful, but really cute, and Kanzari's heart skipped a beat.

Once they got to the breakfast place, Kanzari sat on the opposite side of Ran. She wasn't ignoring him whenever he tried to talk to her, but she is trying to avoid him. Ran doesn't want to make another scene with Kanzari, and honestly he would look insecure if he got mad over Kanzari sitting next to him, so he kept it to himself.

The group decided to walk a bit further this time across the beaches. They got to the opposite side of the coastline, and the ending. They had been through everything. At the end, it was quite secluded, but it was safe to swim and there was a volleyball net.

The group played a bit before swimming, Kanzari still trying to enjoy without relying on Ran. She gaslighted and convinced herself that she stopped thinking about him, but her heart was still racing and skipping beats whenever he would just be there. Kanzari was building up all this emotion in herself, trying to relieve it by talking and being energetic to everyone else.

They had lunch in that side of the beach, setting up a picnic table and setting out food that they had packed from all restaurants they passed by going there.

Everyone was eating having fun, including Kanzari, but Ran's gaze never took off of her. It didn't make her uncomfortable, but something else. It was unexplainable what she felt for him, even though she could sometimes put it in to words. As a whole, it was too overwhelming and too much for her to explain. She was falling for him fast, and more every single day, which led her to get frustrated.

Even though Kanzari was laughing having fun, she was frustrated and pissed. She was frustrated with herself and not Ran, that she couldn't get over him. Honestly, it made her admire him even more. How could someone shake up Sona Kanzari like this? You must be amazing to do so, right?

Ran on the other hand, he was getting frustrated with himself too. He wants his image to be perfect, for himself and everyone. He wants to be someone everyone is comfortable with, and willing to tell anything to. He also wanted to maintain this image especially for Kanzari. Kanzari meant so much to him, and they have been through a lot together. He couldn't seem to put his finger on why Kanzari meant so much to him. But that's besides the point, because they were both themselves with each other. Kanzari was comfortable with him, and was showing her true self to him. But now, she's drifting away and she's pissed. She didn't even tell him the reason why. Ran unconciously started blaming it on himself, he was confident Kanzari isn't doing this because of her own self, since she was quite social with everyone else. He was overthinking everything he has done with Kanzari, worrying if he shouldn't have been too comfortable with her. He didn't care about what Kanzari said unfiltered but, he know Kanzari might care about what he said.

The group decided to walk home after a bit. It was quite a long walk, and everyone was quite silent. Kanzari was on her phone the whole walk though, giggling occasionally and typing nonstop. Ran saw a bit over her shoulder, and saw she was chatting someone. He didn't know who, but he knew she was talking to someone.

Once they got home, they all took showers and packed up. A bit after 4PM was when everyone was done packing, and the limo was outside the house. Everyone loaded all their luggages back in, and got inside. 

The limo was quiet, some people talking a bit. Everyone was tired, it had been a really long 3 days. Ran and Kanzari had to sit next to each other, which Ran wanted but at the same time was scared of. Kanzari knew her heart would be screaming at her the whole time, but she didn't mind.

Soon, everyone started falling asleep on their partners shoulders, with the exception of Yuji and Asira since they are genuinely just best friends. Ran was drowsy, his head falling but picking it up. Kanzari noticed, and she thought he was cute, but she felt bad. She knew she wasn't supposed to, but she let Ran rest on her shoulders.

That's when Kanzari received a text from Masahiro. She giggled before answering him. For a few minutes, she was just texting him, smiling widely, when suddenly someone spoke.

"Who are you texting?" Ran mumbled drowsily, fixing his position on her shoulder. Her eyes widened before closing her phone.

"No one you need to know of" Kanzari was joking, but Ran took it seriously since he had already been overthinking. He pouted before furrowing his eyebrows.

He had been trying to look angry, but Kanzari chuckled at him.

"You look really cute" Kanzari chuckled, and he smiled. He started to fall asleep once again, and Kanzari stared at him for a minute, before also falling asleep, resting her head on his.

Kanzari and Ran only woke up together, when they got waken up by the group right in front of their two houses. They quickly took their luggages and scurried back in to the house, desperate to sleep again, ignoring the overwhemling feelings they had.

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