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Ran woke up to getting called by Yuji, who had spammed his phone completely. Ran sighed, in disbelief of his stupidity, and picked up.

"Why did you suddenly hang up yesterday?" Yuji looked concerned, as he panned the camera to beside him, which was Sarina who waved.

"Woah, what the fuck?" Ran's eyes widened as he waved back. "What's happening?".

Yuji smiled at Sarina before talking on the phone "Nothing, we're at a cafe. What's important is what is happening to you?".

"I... you're right" Ran combed through his hair with his hand to fix it up a little.

"Right about?" Yuji looked confused, and Ran sighed knowing he forgot about what happened.

"Her. Kanzari. I like her... wait can Sarina hear?" Ran told him, as Yuji smirked at him and Sarina, knowing that she probably heard.

"Well... you didn't quite say it quietly. Am I and Sarina the first to know? Oh my god!" Yuji squealed a bit like a girl before getting a small slap on the shoulder by Sarina.

"That's not important... but yeah. Can we meet with Yuki and Kento later? If they aren't busy..." Ran asked as he walked out of his room.

"I already asked the group chat! The boys one, not the main one..." Yuji giggled. "Should I invite Jumiya? She'll know what to do".

"Are you stupid? Tell her best friend? Yuji..." Ran was sometimes speechless in talking to him who just shrugged.

"Okay okay, just meet at Sokusha at 2PM" Yuji told him.

"Sokusha? Are you stupid? Are you trying to-" Ran couldn't continue to scold him about it being Kanzari's restaurant and sighed.

2PM came, and Ran and the other boys were in the restaurant. They decided to meet in VIP room 2 to talk.

"What was so important you fucking called everyone here?" Yuki complained, while his arms were crossed.

"Our hopeless romantic, the youngest of all of us, finally fell in love!" Yuji closed the door with a smile on his face.

Everyone's jaw dropped as they smiled and slapped Ran's shoulder as everyone laughed at him. He sat down his lips a bit pouted with his arms crossed.

"Let me guess, it's Kanzari, isn't it?" Kento raised his eyebrows at him.

Before Ran could speak, Yuji nodded and everyone laughed even harder.

"You know we're like pretty decent friends with her twin brother since he's the other junior... he just isn't in our friend group" Yuki reminded him, and he sighed and nodded, before the door opened.

Amazingly, coincidentally, horrifyingly, all words to describe it, it was Kanzari. Of course it was.

Ran took a deep breath and smiled, as the other 3 hid their faces and were dying of laughter. Kanzari only took an order from her parents to serve them, she was shocked to see Ran. Her heart started racing again, and it was getting harder to function.

"Uhm... it's you guys. What do you want to order?" Kanzari was stuttering as everyone except Ran was dying on the floor laughing, slapping the ones beside them.

"Please ignore them... uhm" Ran was also stuttering on his words, which made the friendgroup laugh even more. He started saying the orders of everyone while really nervous. Kanzari had to keep snapping herself back in to reality to write them down. The other boys calmed down and sat on their chairs, still having their palms pressed to their mouths to hide the smiles on their face.

"Do you wanna sit with us after you serve us the orders?" Yuji asked, slapping Ran's knee a bit.

"No sorry, I'm going out with Masahiro..." Kanzari smiled. 

Everyone else's jaw dropped and put their hands on their mouths, while Ran sighed and his expression darkened. Kanzari saw him pout and felt her heart freeze, before she quickly went out the door. 

Once the food was ready, she served it to them quickly, rushing so she can get back home to change.

Kanzari did go out with Masahiro, and she kept going. They went on a date like almost every single day, Kanzari doing something everyday. She had fun switching herself up everyday, it was more for her own enjoyment than Masahiro.

However, he definitely thought it was for him. Her outfits showed a bit of skin more and more as the days went by, and Masahiro also changed.

He became more touchy and more icky/creepy, saying weird inappropriate comments despite both of them being minors, touching her in weird places like her upper thigh.

Kanzari genuinely liked hanging out with him, because even if he acted like this, he was still a pretty nice, funny guy. He was also quite rich, being able to afford like every single restaurant near Tohuzama.

They were having frequent dates for a week already, without having a label. More and more, Kanzari got uncomfortable. More and more, she missed Ran and fell for him even more despite not seeing him a lot. More and more, she started to hate Masahiro.

She thought he was nice, and blamed herself for hating Masahiro, trying to defend him in her brain as much as possible. Everything else about him is amazing, just not nearly as good as Ran, but it made up for some of the questionable things he did. The questionable things got more and more frequent, and started to be a bit alarming, but Kanzari was too far in to back out without feeling bad.

The thing is, she would sometimes bump in to Ran while on a date with Masahiro.

Ran would never be happy to see him, his heart sinking every time. It would ache for Kanzari and how he loved and missed her more and more everyday, since they didn't see a lot. Ran was falling horribly hard for her, she would be the main thing going through his mind the whole day.

He was honestly getting to the point that he would walk around Tohuzama, just to get a chance to see her, even if it broke his heart. It still gave him some happiness whenever he saw her, and his brain and heart would stop messing with him for a bit, before all the feelings come back as soon as he takes his eyes of Kanzari.

He would do anything just to see her everyday. He missed talking with her everyday, and he knew he would do anything for Kanzari. He's done it before for her, and he will gladly do it again, and even with more intense circumstances. He was falling harder then even Kanzari fell for him.

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