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The juniors had access to the local they were going to pretty easily, since the beach that they were in front was only a 10 minute walk along the sea to the place. They brought their own volleyball, but were going to eat first. 

Ran was in swimming trunks, and Kanzari couldn't help but steal glances at him. However, Kanzari herself looked really good, wearing a cute sundress over her swimsuit, and a straw hat. Everyone was hungry once they got to the spot. There were so many volleyball nets hung up around, and people playing. There were also a lot of restaurants lining the beach of different cuisines, and it made everyone happy.

They all agreed on a Thai restaurant, near an empty court, and decided to eat there. They got seated at a table that had a good view of the beach, and it was the perfect size for everyone. Ran sat next to Kanzari, who just ignored him. 

The waiter came, and he was a handsome young man. "Can I take your orders, please?" He smiled, then his eyes set on Kanzari, and he was in awe. "Maybe your number too, ma'am?".

Kanzari smiled at the guy, before ordering for everyone. Ran saw this, and glared at Kanzari. He put his hands on Kanzari's shoulder, which led her to gasp and shoot her eyes at him. Her heart just dropped in to her stomach, and it was aching from his touch.

"A bit unprofessional, don't you think? Just take orders normally and mind your own business" Ran told him quite politely, but he just shrugged and continued writing down the orders.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Kanzari whispered to Ran, once the guy walked away.

"It's unprofessional, and you weren't saying anything about it" Ran quickly took his hand off her knee. Kanzari scoffed at him, and rested on the back of her chair.

After the group finished eating, they decided to play some volleyball. It was a 4v4, and mixed genders. Of course, Kanzari and Ran were against each other, since it would be quite unfair to have the two of them together. It was quite fun, and they were having some pretty intense rallies.

"Oh my god! Can we join? We play volleyball too! This is my brother!" A girl came, with a boy who Kanzari recognized. It was the guy she saw at the store.

"Yeah! We love new players!" Yuji said, and the two split up on each side of the net, and Masahiro joined Kanzari's team. Kanzari and the guy were pointing each other, laughing.

"Oh my god... it's you? Yanagida..." Kanzari was laughing, and he was doing the same.

"Miss Sona!" He was laughing. "You were going here too? I was also buying donuts for me and my sister..."

"Yeah! Now you know why I bought so much... Are you from Kyoto?" Kanzari asked him, smiling widely. 

"Yeah... I'm from Tohuzama district! I don't go to the school in Tohuzama... the academy. But I go in a school just a few minutes away!" He told Kanzari, who looked shocked.

"Same! How old are you? I turned 16... before the semester started".

"I'm 17, turning 18 soon... I hope that's okay" Masahiro joked, and she laughed.

Ran had been watching the entire time while eavesdropping, and decided to walk in.

"You two know each other?" He pointed between the two of them.

"Yeah! He's the nice guy from earlier! You know, the one with the donuts..." Kanzari told him, and Ran scoffed before walking back to his side. Kanzari just looked at him, shocked, before introducing the others to him.

"Hi! I'm Aika! Yanagida Aika..." The girl introduced herself, and they all nodded. Aika looked at them, staring at how attractive they were, but they all looked like they were dating until she saw Ran alone. "What's your name, handsome?"

"Takahashi Ran" He tried to wipe his frown of his face and smile. She complimented him, and he didn't want to look rude. Kanzari heard the conversation, and her heart dropped. Her facial expression switched in a blink of an eye.

Ran, on the other hand was still mad about Kanzari talking to that guy. He knew he had to protect Kanzari, he got bad vibes from Masahiro and his guts were never wrong. He knew how Kanzari could be sometimes, and he wanted to protect her as much as he could. Why? He didn't know, but he knew Kanzari couldn't be alone and he wanted to take that responsibility for himself. He knew he cared for her, and he knew it was as a friend. Or at least he thought it was as a friend, and he wanted to protect her as much as he could since no one else was doing it for her.

They started to play, and Aika served. She wasn't lying when she said she played too, and she was pretty good. Every after points, Aika would be flirting with Ran, touching his bicep and his chest. Kanzari was watching, glaring at them, her eyebrows extremely furrowed, her heart aching, while Masahiro would be making attempts to talk to her. She would do it, just to get her mind off Ran. However, Ran was looking at them too, blind to the flirting attempts of Aika. He desperately wanted to shoo Masahiro away from Kanzari, convinced that the reason was he wanted to protect Kanzari, but he had all the symptoms of feeling jealous.

Yuji was Ran's closest friend, and he could definitely feel what was happening between the two of them. Jumiya, knowing Kanzari could feel her rage from where she was standing.

The rally turned intense. Kanzari was returning to that monster she was during Tokyo camp, and was becoming ruthless. Ran was so focused on protecting Kanzari, he started targetting Masahiro, who couldn't really do anything against his powerhouse attacks, despite being older.

It was a close game, but Kanzari's team won by a bit. Kanzari was fuming, her jealousy creeping through every single part of her body. Ran on the other hand, wanted to talk to Kanzari since he was sad that they fought. Ran knew that Kanzari could do things on her own, he thought of her as the most independent women he knew of, and he admired that vibe from her. However, he was still extremely fixated from keeping Masahiro away from her, convinced it was to protect her.

The group shared social media's with the two siblings, then set off to swim a bit, before going back home to shower.

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