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School went on like normal, Kanzari and Ran being especially tired due to training. Of course, Kanzari being tired led her to going back home to sleep again, which led to her seeing Ran again, who made her forget the reason why she was going home, to play. 

Ran and Kanzari barely talked during rallying, but they enjoyed it since they were both of equal abilities and challenged each other. Even though they weren't talking as much, they still spent a lot of time together. 

Kanzari wouldn't admit it, but her stamina was getting better and better so she was becoming less tired, but she would still go home, just because she enjoyed rallying with Ran.

The two continued rallying like this for 2 weeks, it was a good time killer for the two of them, and it was a good time to forget about other things in their life and focus on the thing they both love the most, which is volleyball.

Finally, the 4th week of Kanzari and Ran meeting each other ended, and Saturday came. Kanzari was helping out with her parents in the restaurant, just like always. Ran however, didn't have a busy day, since his parents were away on a trip, Rui was doing some sort of part time job, and Riri had a sleepover with her friends, leaving Ran home alone. He knew that his friends were busy with their own lives, since they were supposed to go out on that Saturday but everyone had plans.

It was 7:00PM when Ran decided he was going to do something with his life. He had been at home the whole day, on his phone, rallying with the wall, and just other things to cure his boredom. 

"I wonder what the fuck I'm going to do with myself" He said to himself, gripping his own hair. He thought and thought and thought, when he remembered that time would go by easy when he rallied with Kanzari. He then had to think about where Kanzari would be at this moment, and he figured she would be at his restaurant.

Ran took his phone, wallet, some other things, and a belt bag, and went out the door. It was a pretty short walk, so he was on his phone. The streets were lit pretty nicely, enough for someone to see, but it wasn't like an overwhelming city light.

Ran went through the door, to be greeted by Kanzari who wasn't looking at him, since she was busy getting a few plates. Kanzari looked up at him, realizing it was Ran, who was smiling at Kanzari. She was shocked, but then confused. She put down the plates, and went up to Ran, grabbing his arm. Kanzari dragged him out of the restaurant, under the moonlight.

"What are you...?" She questioned him, crossing her arms.

"I... I wanted to" Ran was trying to figure out what to tell her without provoking her "Do you want to rally?".

Kanzari's eyes widened, then she smiled. "Okay... let me just finish up. Wait out here" Kanzari commanded Ran, who shrugged.

Kanzari rushed back inside, and quickly finished her duties. Her parents sent her off, and she went outside, where Ran was who was on his phone.

"Let's go?" Kanzari asked him, and he nodded. Ran's house was only like 3 minutes away, so the two were just making small talk.

Once they got to Ran's house, he took the ball from the front porch, then positioned in front of Kanzari. They rally as normal, for maybe about 2 hours, which was longer than usual. It ended when Kanzari spiked at Ran, who was too tired to receive it. The ball rolled to the front of Ran's house, and the two were on the road, panting.

Ran was on his knees, while Kanzari was laying down, face in the sky. Ran crawled to her, and sat with his legs crossed next to her. They stayed there for who knows how long. Maybe it was 3 seconds, or maybe it was 2 hours. They weren't sure, but they didn't really care.

"Do you want to go to 711? I'm home alone and I can't cook" Ran asked her, and she looked at him. She sat up and nodded. Ran stood up, and put his hand out to help Kanzari get up. She completely ignored this, and just got up on her own.

They walked in silence, both completely tired. This time however, it wasn't an awkward silence. The silence felt right, and they wouldn't have preferred it any other way. 

They got to the 711, and walked in. They quickly looked around, and got what they wanted. Kanzari and Ran took a cup noodle and a tuna onigiri each.

They were at the counter, when Kanzari was fiddling around in her pocket. "Fucking hell" she mumbled to herself, still trying to find her wallet. Ran realized her struggle, so he decided to pay for everything. Kanzari looked at him confused, but her expression softened. They then cooked their noodles, and sat at the same table they were at before. They settled down in their seats, and waited for their noodles to cook.

"Why did you go to me?" Kanzari asked Ran, who was looking at something else, then snapped back into reality and looked at her.

"Because I'm home alone. And Yuji and stuff are all busy with their own families" Ran responded to her, slightly smiling.

"But why me?" Kanzari questioned him again. The look on her face wasn't angry, it was just confused.

"Why not? Do you not like rallying?" Ran asked her, checking his noodles.

"You're right... I don't..." Kanzari joked, doing the same as Ran.

"Yeah right... fine then don't rally with me... ever again... not even in practice" Ran joked at her, crossing his arms and turning the other way.

Kanzari chuckled at him. "I wish... but coach would kill us" she laughed again.

"Hey! I heard your friends say you go home to sleep but then you actually play..." Ran told her, and Kanzari's eyes widened, before she smiled.

"Well... I would sleep but then you distract me with your annoying voice asking to rally" She laughed at him, who jokingly rolled his eyes.

"Yeah yeah, but admit it. You enjoy it. Rallying with me." Ran honestly said this as a joke, expecting Kanzari to refuse and start spewing some stupid insults.

"Maybe... because when we do rally I don't get to hear your voice" Kanzari chuckled again, and Ran put on an offended look sarcastically. 

"I'm just that amazing!" Ran laughed.

The two started eating their onigiri's and noodles, talking about school and spewing random insults at each other. They were laughing and having fun, as if they knew each other since they were children.

The walk home continued, with Ran telling Kanzari a story about his life, and saying some stupid jokes, before dropping her off at her house.

Ran waved at Kanzari, and for the first time, she waved back. She was tired, so she showered immediately, and slept as soon as her head hit her pillow.

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