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Kanzari groans in her bed, as she quickly snoozes her alarm. She had a banging headache when her alarm woke her up, along with intense period cramps. To add on to her agony, her bedroom door opened, and Kanzari put her pillow above her head as a response, which was then pulled off of her.

"Sona Kanzari, don't make this hard for yourself. Get up" Akino commanded Kanzari, who faced the opposite direction from him. He stared at her in disbelief, when he dragged her legs to the edge of her bed.

"What the fuck is your problem" Kanzari snapped as she sat up at the edge of her bed.

"You. Get up" Akino told her to do this while he was walking out of the door, Kanzari following a minute later, to the bright hallways leading towards the living room and kitchen. Kanzari squinted and rubbed her eyes as she walked.

"Oh dear, you look mortified" Kazea joked at Kanzari, who had eyebags, and who's normally straight long hair was poofed up in to a huge mess. 

Kanzari sat down at the table, as she got some rice and one grilled fish for herself. She ate, while staring into nothingness. Akino and Kazea stared at her in awe of her current state, and just shook their heads and started eating. They all ate in silence, while Kanzari was eating half asleep.

After eating, she wanted to take a warm shower, but to add up to her dismay, the heater wasn't working. 'Fucking hell' Kanzari thought, trying to fumble with the temperature knob, and it just wasn't working. She took an ice cold shower, worsening her cramps and headache, but it did wake her up completely. She blow dried her hair as normal, did her skincare, and put on a larger amount of makeup to cover her eyebags.

She got out of the house, a bit later than usual, at 6:20, and thought she wouldn't have to deal with Ran in the morning. Much to her surprise, he was also just getting out of his house, seeming to be rushing. She tried to avoid him, as she walked fast enough, hoping Ran wouldn't notice her.

Ran rushed to be beside Kanzari, and she looked up at him sleepily as he smiled at her "Good morning, you aren't glaring."

Kanzari's sleepy stare then turned to a sarcastic smile, then to a death stare, then she switched her gaze to looking in front of her. Ran chuckled and walked with her, as they walked off their street "No but seriously, you good? You look half dead" he points out, not in a 'wanting to be mean' way, but more like a 'concerned' way.

"Thank you for the compliment" Kanzari murmured sarcastically, not wanting to deal with Ran's bullshit this early in the morning. 

"It really wasn't a compliment..." Ran did not take sarcasm very well, which led to Kanzari shooting him a 'you're so stupid' glare "You didn't answer my question".

"I'm doing amazing, Takahashi, thank you for your concerns" Kanzari forces a lousy smile at Ran, and he looked at her, confused.

"You're welcome" He smiled after the second of confusion he had. 'He really is stupid' Kanzari thought to herself as the duo walked the rest of the way in silence.

They finally reached Tohuzama gates, and they weren't really late but they rushed to their classrooms. Their classes officially start at 7AM, but students usually are there by 6:30 AM, and no one really stays out for longer. The two climbed up the stairs, Kanzari slowing down her pace which Ran noticed, who adjusted for her.

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