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Matches started once again after the lunch break, and the rotations reset. Tohuzama was demolishing every other team left and right,  they hadn't lost once that whole day. They almost did though, to Hikatsuma, the host school. The match got dragged in to a deuce, but Tohuzama ended it immediately.

Kanzari and Jumiya were left with no choice but to stay in the gym that they were in, waiting for the girls. They were at the walls of the gym, sitting down having their backs to the walls, when the three girls came up to them.

"You ready?" Sakyuin confidently said, as Kanzari and Jumiya looked at each other and stood up.

"Let's do it" Kanzari smirked, and the 5 of them ran to one of the nets. "How are we doing this?" Kanzari asked, unsure of what they wanted to do.

"2v3! Me and Samiyana, and the three of you!" Sakuyin grabbed Samiyana, and two of them flashed a big smile, both of their hands on their waists.

Jumiya and Kanzari looked at Jiru, and nod their heads at her. Jiru just put a thumbs up, and got positioned.

Sakuyin and Samiyana positioned on the opposite side, as Sakuyin grabs a ball and serves it. Jiru receives it, and Jumiya sets to Kanzari, who smashes it down, past both the blocker and the libero.

She smiled, as Sakuyin looked at her in awe. Jiru served, which Samiyana received, and she spiked down. She had a pretty high vertical for her height, and that shocked them.

They continued playing for a bit, and honestly, Sakuyin and Samiyana did really good considering they were outnumbered, and Sakuyin actually got to block Kanzari a few times if she was lucky.

They stopped at about 6:45PM, they just wanted to talk for a bit. They got to know each other, and they found out that those 3 went to the same middle school, but they all moved to different prefectures and only Jiru stayed. Kanzari was fond of Jiru, and they bonded a bit more. She also thought that Jiru was probably the best competition against her. Jiru also took a liking for Kanzari, since she seemed the most chill and wasn't as loud as the other 3.

"Let's do the same tomorrow!" Sakuyin told everyone, and they either agreed or shrugged, and continued talking.

It was about 7PM, when they all had to go back to their buses. Kanzari and Jumiya were drop dead tired, so they sat immediately. Jumiya sat further back, and Jumiya sat in the middle, near the window seat.

Ran saw her looking out the window by herself, and sat next to her. Kanzari noticed him and gave him a small smile before looking back out. She was tired, but she didn't mind communicating.

"How was it?" Ran tapped Kanzari's shoulder with a smile on his face, as Kanzari turned around. "Did you have fun? I mean, you basically had no choice" Ran laughed, and Kanzari smiled.

"Yea, I did" Kanzari said "they're pretty cool... I especially like this girl who goes to Hikatsuma, she's chill".

"Ohh, what's her name?" Ran asked her, trying to keep the conversation going.

"Jiru. Torukana Jiru" Kanzari sighed, she was tired but she didn't want to leave Ran hanging. "How about you? Did you meet new people?" Kanzari asked, keeping up the conversation.

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