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The car ride was chaotic. Everyone was singing and screaming and having fun. Kanzari would occasionally pop along and laugh along.

"Are y'all hungry? Because I definitely am" Sachi yelled, and everyone agreed with her.

"There is a stopover in like 15 minutes, theres donuts but it isn't drive through" Yuki told everyone after checking in with his driver.

"Why don't we dare people here, and whoever refuses to do the dare buys donuts!" Yuji was actually joking, but everyone agreed.

They placed down the bottle in the middle of the limo table, and even though it was shaking, they were still able to balance it. Yuji spun it and it landed on Asira.

"Put this picture as your profile picture on instagram for a week" Yuji said, sending a picture to Asira, which led her to gasp, but did it relucantly. Everyone checked her profile and laughed.

Then, Asira spun it and it landed on Jumiya. "Get off Kento's fucking lap for this whole trip, it's an eyesore" she told her, and Jumiya rolled her eyes, but did it anyway.

Then, Jumiya spun it and it landed on Kanzari, who just rolled her eyes, preferring anyone else to spin the bottle to land on her.

Jumiya laughed "The exact person I wanted it to land on! This is super straightforward... but kiss Ran on the cheek... come on it's bound to happen". Everyone started giggling, and Ran and Kanzari were flustered on their chairs.

Kanzari sighed, before speaking "I'm buying the donuts..." while taking out her wallet. Everyone boo'ed at her, but she just shrugged.

The driver stopped over at the gas station, and Kanzari went down. She was on her phone, looking at the list of orders people asked for. She sighed, since she would be carrying loads of bags of donuts.

She bought them all, and was holding 3 big bags full of donuts. She was struggling to open the door out of the store, when the guy who was behind her in the line took one of the bags out of her hand. She looked at him shocked, and Kanzari was shocked. She believed most men were ugly, but he looked pretty good. He opened the door for Kanzari, and went out with her.

"Thank you kind man!" She smiled at him, and he returned the favor.

"No problem, where's your car?" He flashed his teeth, while Kanzari pointed a bit far away "I'll help you".

"Thank you so much, what's your name?" Kanzari thought he looked pretty nice.

"Masahiro. Yanagida Masahiro" He smiled, before asking her the same thing.

"Kanzari... Sona Kanzari" She said, before they got near the car. He gave her back the bag, and waved as she got back in the car.

"You whores... I have the donuts" She said as she got back in the car, and smiled at the guy before he walked away

"Who is that?" Ran immediately questioned her, and she scoffed. Everyone ooh'd at him. She actually felt her heart fluttering at him asking.

"No one, a nice guy who actually helped me out..." She mumbled, pretending to be mad at Ran. He took it quite seriously however.

"You lost the bet though!" He raised his voice, which led to everyone giggling at him.

"Why do you have to be so fucking mad? I'm just fucking joking! Haven't you learnt to take my jokes, we've known each other for like 3 months!" Kanzari kind of yelled at him, but it hurt her to do it.

Ran scoffed at her "Don't trust strangers! It's not safe!".

"He was just being a fucking good person, Ran, stop being overprotective! I'm not a fucking child you need to protect!" Kanzari raised her voice at him.

"Yes, I do need to protect you, you're hopeless at everything!" Ran yelled back at her, and at this point everyone had their jaws open. Kanzari didn't know if she was offended or honored.

"I'm not a fucking damsel in distress, Ran! I'm my own person! It's not your responsibility to protect me!" Kanzari was just literally fuming.

"I know, you're a powerful woman, and you're amazing! But sometimes you can be a little clumsy... and I'm your best friend Kanzari! Of course I'll protect you from anything!" Ran yelled a little bit too loud, this was the first time he ever got mad at Kanzari.

She was shocked, and her heart was basically screaming and exploding right now, but she still scoffed at him. Jumiya looked at her and was smiling ear to ear, and Kanzari was trying not to start screaming.

It was kind of awkward after this, until everyone started talking again. Kanzari and Ran were quiet, occasionally sharing glances then looking away immediately. 

"Bro... Kanzari and Ran are acting like children who are in a fight right now..." Yuji was laughing while pointing at the two of them, who just scoffed "this is the first time Ran got mad at Kanzari... and it's because of a boy helping Kanzari out".

"He's jealous he wasn't the one helping her out" Jumiya added, and everyone snickered. The two scoffed at them, and just continued scrolling on their phones.

Kanzari was texting Jumiya however, screaming and shouting and crying and every single emotion she was feeling. Jumiya was laughing at her phone, which led to people questioning her but she was just shutting them off. Kanzari was about to explode, her heart screaming.

"It's because it isn't safe for her with others, only me" Ran replied to Jumiya, and everyone ooh'd. "Not in any weird way, but you can't trust men and I'm closest with her".

"Wow.... overprotective boyfriend? Just kidding..." Yuki added, and everyone snickered but moved on.

The car ride was about an hour long, and Ran and Kanzari were still ignoring each other.

They finally got to the AirBNB, and it was beautiful. It was right beside one of the beaches which was glistening, and the house itself was more like a mansion, it looked quite nice. Everyone went inside, and they all had their own rooms. They all settled down in their rooms, before going downstairs.

"Do you guys want to go to the famous areas around here? There's beach volleyball!" Yuki asked them, and they all agreed. Ran was staring at Kanzari, and once she looked at him, he looked away. Kanzari scoffed at his immatureness, but her heart dropped at that very moment.

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