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Friday flew by pretty fast for Kanzari, since she was in her bed all the day, either sleeping, texting her friends, or watching Netflix. She only went out of her room to eat and shower. Her cramps and were still pretty bad, but her headache was gone due to all the sleep she was getting.

"Sona Kanzari, tomorrow you better help out at the restaurant." Deishin told her daughter at the dinner table "You did absolutely nothing productive today".

"Cut her some slack, you don't know what it's like to have period cramps and sickness" Kazea scolded her husband for acting foolish "Help out if you can, Zari, it's nice to have an extra hand. We lost one of our waitresses, she was really good".

"I will, my flow slows down during the 4th day, and my headache is gone" Kanzari reassures her parents, and the dinner goes on as normal.

Kanzari woke up at 7AM the next day, and got ready to help her parents out. They left the house at about 8AM. Akino stayed home, since he was 'drop dead' as he explained to his parents.

The restaurant was actually across the street, and at the end of that block towards the right, so they don't need to rush to get out. The three walked towards the restaurant as Deishin was scolding his daughter about restaurant etiquette.

"Chill, honey, she's helped out so many times before. You do this every single time" Kazea tells him, as they near the restaurant. The restaurant had the appearance of a traditional japanese restaurant, it was two floors and is always filled. The big sign in front reads 'Sokusha', as they walk inside, turn on the lights, and start preparing for opening

"Best to be safe than sorry" Deishin says to Kazea, a bit late after she pointed out his habit of scolding Kanzari "Wear your uniform Zari, it's in the employee break room. Greet the employees for us, they already prepped the kitchen".

Kanzari did what she was told, and went to the break room to grab the uniform she always wore when she helped out. She greeted the employees who were there.

"Oh you're back Kanzari, long time no see" The head chef greets Kanzari with a smile as the employees all bow. Kanzari bows back then goes into the changing room to change into her uniform. She looked herself in the mirror and braided her hair. 

They open and get to work. Their first customers were Kanzari's friends, who walked in to check on Kanzari.

"What are you guys doing here?" Kanzari asks them, as she leads them to a table "You better pay if you're ordering".

"We will, we will, don't worry. How are you Zari, are you okay now?" Asira questions Kanzari.

"I'm okay, I'm even working now" Kanzari answers Asira, and all the girls sigh "Now let me take your orders please".

Kanzari took their orders, and they paid. She couldn't devote her full attention to them though, since more customers were coming in. The girls stayed for a bit, then left after saying goodbye to Kanzari. It was a busy day full of customers, especially since it was a Saturday.

Kanzari was giving an order out to the chefs during their busiest hour, 1PM, when Deishin called over his daughter "Zari, can you devote your full attention to the guests who were in VIP Room 2. Thanks" Deishin rushed off back into the kitchen, as Zari walked upstairs and walked to the front of the sliding door 'VIP 2' written in big letters on the door.

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