Chapter Three

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He walked close behind me but not too close, I was just thankful I got to go out of this gym, it was awful, and I missed the sad warm hallways. Suddenly I wasn't shaking anymore, I wasn't anxious, I think that we both make each other less anxious, it was nice, I've never had someone in my life who made me less anxious as opposed to the complete opposite.

"This is my stop"

I stood in front of the door labeled 'math',


he pointed at the door,


I hated math, and now that I think about it I had my first period with Rowand and Nick, now that I know their names, but Nick never comes to school class. How did I not know any of they're names after all I've been in the first period with them for a few months.

"yea it sucks"

I was mainly bracing myself for the freezing classroom, it's hot when I first go inside because of the hallways, but after a little bit, it gets cold, like cold. At least it's better than sweat ticklithereng down every part of me, which I'm feeling right now, they should make the hallways less hot. Tamyson put his hands into the pockets of his green silk jacket,

"good luck"

he smiled pointing at the door with his hand still in his pockets, then he left. To be honest, his class is on the other side of the school, and this place is huge, he's probably gonna be late for taking me to class, and he knew it too, guess being the coach's son doesn't give him any benefits. I put my hand on the gold part of the push door and opened it, the teacher wasn't even they're yet, I was so happy, the door shut behind me, It was cold inside, a little bit refreshing after being so hot. Sadly on the first beige wooden desk was Rowan, why was he always at school? I began to walk to my seat in the back of the room, locking Rowan as I walked past him.

I walked through the middle of the desk like I usually do to the end, behind my desk where it was usually empty, Nick was sitting, why did he have to be at school, the one day I didn't want him to be at school. He had this look on his face, this look of guilt, and sorrow, I didn't think he was capable of that look after what I had heard about it. I went and sat down on the cold beige seat, and put my backpack down next to my seat. Part of me thought he would say something to me from the look on his face earlier, but he didn't he just stayed quiet. Finally, I gained enough courage and turned around to look at him, he instantly met my eyes, You could tell he was upset about last night, which is why he left so fast after they talked to all of us.

Then I realized, it just hurt him to talk about what happened, that's why he didn't say anything in the first place. Then I turned forward again, leaving him alone to process everything, I know the last thing anyone would want is to be bothered.

"good morning students"

An unfamiliar woman with hair dark as night, and eyes bright as the ocean.

"Sadly class you're teacher is out sick today"

she walked over to the chalk bored and picked it up wring words in big white cursive letters.

"I am Mrs. Gowers,"

she says as she finished writing her name on the board.

"Today, math is gonna be fun, I promise"

great, we got one of those types of teachers, I love her enthusiasm, it's not that it's just the fact that no matter how fun teachers try to make math, it's never fun. Suddenly I felt someone looking at me. I moved my head a little bit to the left and saw that Rowan was staring at me, I wish I could read his thoughts and know what he was thinking, but sadly I couldn't, my biggest dream and flaw in my life.

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