Chapter Four

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"I made the group chat, yes, and I was the one sending those messages to you all"

I sighed a sigh of relief now that I finally know one of the big questions that kept running through my mind, now who killed the girl?

"is it weird I'm a little relieved about this?"

I turned to Nick not caring how loudly I said it or who hear it,

"wait I have a question for you two?"

Jing asked finally speaking,

"Why were you two together when she found you guys?"

everyone's attention got bounced on us, I hate when this many people are staring at me, I looked down trying to avoid everyone's eye, and started to pick at my cuticles again, feeling the settling pain. 

"We have math together"

Nick spoke up helping me again being able to see my anxiousness, then looked at me and smiled.

"yea so do I, I wasn't with her"

Rowan rudely snapped while playing with his now cold meatloaf.

Everyone's eyes stayed on Nick waiting for a response,

"I for one am curious to"

Dillan leaned forward so he could hear what Nick had to say better.

"I sit behind her in Math, also Rowans is a jerk"

Nick smiled at what he said feeling proud of himself for telling Rowan off.

"Look I don't want to be here, so Abagail please tell me why we are all here and quit stalling"

Rowan furiously said to her

"Like you have better places to be, no one even likes you, Rowan"

Rowan made a mocking face at Tamyson like a child, he looked mad like he was about to hit Rowan any second now to protect his little sister, thankfully because his hand was around Jing's neck so it was right next to me. Before I knew it my instincts kicked in and I grabbed his hand. He looked at me with shock in his eyes at first, but then he realized what was happened he immediately calmed down. Jing noticed this and looked over at me and smiled at me, so being the nice person I am I returned the smile at her.

"look if we don't figure out who killed that girl we're the criminals"

Abby finally said it, after so long she finally said why she had us all here at the table together,

"so what you want us to work together?"

she smiled at my question, and she nodded,

"yes, that's exactly it"

Rowan aggressive scoot out with his chair and stood up

"I'm not working with Tamyson"

was all he said before he stormed off, thankfully I was still Holding Tamyson's hand and he didn't go off, he looked over at me and smiled. Abby frowned a little bit before looking over at Dillain waiting for an answer, he leaned back in his chair and sighed,

"I have basketball practice"

Abby sighed a sad sigh,


I smiled a weak smile at her before getting up and leaving.

"this sucks"

her smile faded away for just a little bit before it popped up again trying to hide it and then looking at me


they're it was, the feeling of everyone staring at me, my chest started to tighten up again, and my saliva got thick and hard to swallow. Tamyson clenched my hand just a little bit tighter reminding me of that, and then it went away,

"I can't, it's too much for me to deal with right now"

I wish I could help her, so badly but I would just be useless to her, to them. Nick looked over at me,

"if she's out I'm out"

he leaned back and crossed his arms in his chair. The look on her face went from upset to angry fast,

"look my dads a cop, he says this is how they do it, they suspect a few people, and then police officers those suspects will always  be criminals"

she put both of her hands on the white eating table and leaned on it.

"so basically, no matter what we do we're always gonna be criminals, so they'll res no point in trying to solve this mystery"

Jing rarely spoke, but when she did she spoke her mind, always.

"I'm sorry"

she smiled just to be nice, the sad thing was that Jing was the person who found the dead body, enviously she wouldn't want to do it, it's too much for her too but a part of me just wish she would have told the truth, I looked at her face, she made this facial expression like she wasn't being completely honest with all of us. 

"well if they're out I'm out"

Abby had a stressed-out look her face,

"Please tell me you'll do it, Ben?"

she pleaded to him, with one last spark of hope in her eyes

"I have guys to flirt with, sorry Abb's"

I'd never seen such disappointment before on anyone's face, she was filled with it, and it was obvious,


was what she said before she left. And then just like that the bell ran, we were too into the drama that we didn't even get to eat and I was starving. Nick stood up from his chair being the first person  to stand up

"I have boring old History"

he said while stretching his arms, and wiggling them.

"oh so do I, I'll walk with you"

Jing slowly removed Tamysons arm from her neck and that's when I realized we were holding hands the whole time because the moment she got up my arm flung down to my side, but no one noticed except me and him,

"thank you for being my bully blocker big bro, but see ya"

she teased him as they walked out together to English. Tamyson looked over at me,

"what about you Olora"

"oh let me think"

I put my elbow up and leaned on my right hand and smiled at him,

"I think I have study hall"

"that sound so fun"

he stood up and out of his chair and put his hand out for me to grab it,

"she'll we go then, and yes I have study hall too"

he said making a proper face just to make me laugh, it worked I started laughing at his stupidity, before grabbing his hot hands and getting myself.

"you gonna be by my side all day now"

he told me as I picked up my backpack off of the cold floor and put it on my back, then being the only one to throw away my tray.

"oh yea?"

I asked him as we began to walk to study hall, with us still holding hands,


we went through the open cafeteria doors and turned around the corner.

"Why is that?"

"because you take away my fear and anxiety, you're my good luck charm so you're gonna stay with me everywhere I go now okay?"

I could feel my cheeks turning red as we turned around the corner,



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