Chapter Thirty-Four

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As I lay on my bed, my mind went from one place to another, and it kept going back to Nick. I mean my mom would kill me if she knew I had a boy in my room, or she might even praise me for being a normal teenager. I turned onto my side, their he was smiling back at me with his perfect smile, I mean his eye still looked awful but it was an amazing moment. I just wanted to stay here forever and not ever have to get up and deal with being a teenager, or solving Nova Green's death, which was most likely Jason Curry but we still need to talk to him. 

"you know you're beautiful when you first wake up"

he smiled at me looking up and down at me

"as if"

I laughed at him, but shortly cause after I leaned in and kissed his damn perfect lips, they were as soft as I remember, and I still get fireworks whenever I kiss him. The sound of our phones buzzing in sync stopped me and distracted me from our kissing. Nick pulled off his phone and showed the message from the group chat saying 'Jason Curry, I'm going to talk to him and since he's the last suspect all of you guys are going with me' I sighed at the message, then without thinking I moved the phone out of his hand and kissed him passionately over and over again, he smiled in between the kisses, and then I did something I never thought I would do, I opened his lips with mine and stuck my tongue in fighting for dominance with his. Then the phone's went off again making the fireworks go away 


he read off of his phone. I put my hand on my temple of my forehead before sitting up.

"she needs to chill"

I laughed before kissing him one more time then getting up off the bed. Not long after Nick followed me and got up with me. He put his jacket back on before we walked out of my room going downstairs, but sadly to our surprise my mom was on the couch reading her paper. We both stopped in our tracks when we saw her. Instantly she removed her glasses to get a better view at Nick.

"oh my god you're him"

she said with a huge smile plastered across her face

"Your Nick, you know I've always wanted to meet you"

she put her news paper down on her lap for a minute

"Mom I would, love to introduce you right now, but were kind of in a rush"

her face turned to a confused look for a quick second

"okay go then"

"thanks mom, love you"

I grabbed Nick's hand and pulled him out of the house. We ran to his big truck. I forgot Nick had a big truck, a big truck I hated so much


Nick laughed looking at me from the passengers side

"shut up"

I turned to him as I was literally struggling to get into that dang car. Once we both finally got in he turned on his car and started it. He put in the GPS thing and began to drive. Of course he knew the address why would he not. By the time we had arrived everyone was already waiting for us. The house was white, small, and it looked abandoned. We got out of the car and walked over to them

"this place is giving me creepy serial killer vibes"

Abby ran behind me and hid behind my arms

"Let's pray that he's either here, or either not here"

Rowan spoke a bit furious about last time

"I said I was sorry"

she said with a bit of hurt in her voice but Rowan just walked away.

"okay time to knock"

Abby smiled at us as she walked up to the door


Nick's calling grabbed my attention causing me to turn around to face him

"no matter what happens, promise me that you will stick by me"

"are you worried about me"

I joked back

"I'm serous Olora, these people are bad, I can't live with myself if something bad happened to you"

he said with now a serious tone

"I promise"

he smiled and sighed a sigh of reliefe

"thank you"

I wanted to kiss him but right now no one knows about us, and I'd like to keep it that way.


Ben asked Abby as she came back with her frown no longer on her face.


She frowned at him. Arabela walked to the fence of the building that apparently had the gate open

"hey guys"

she shouted from the gat

"come check this out"

Each one of us walked over to the open gate where she was

"it's open"

she said as she walked through the gate crazier than Abby

"In case you hadn't noticed Arabela, but that is breaking in and entering"

But she didn't listen to Tamsyon, instead she kept walking in obviously frustrating Tamsyon. Then of course everyone had to walk in to, trying to find any proof that this man killed her. We each did our own thing, wondering the backyard in our own areas with no one on the look out this time, and how were we even sure that no one was home. Last time some one was home when we didn't think so. And then I heard it, the most bone shaking scream I had ever heard coming from Abby by a bin. Each one of us ran over to her as fast as we could not thinking about anything else. Their it was, what I witnessed with my own eyes I would probably need therapy for the rest of my life, in the bin was the dead year old body of Nova Green. I almost cried at that very moment.

Then it hit me, Nova is Nick's ex, I turned around to where he was and pulled him into the biggest hug that sever existed, he laid his neck into my shoulder, and he cried, and cried.

"I'm calling the cops"

Abby said finally able to move out of her trance, and that she did, she pulled out her phone and called the police on it. I looked over at Arabelas face, she was crying a lot but I was so focused on Nick that I didn't really care. A few minutes later, as the eight of us stood their that faithful day, we waited for the cops down the street. The wind was blowing heavily that day, our hair was everywhere, I put out my hand and grabbed Nicks and held it tight not ever letting it go.

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