Chapter Ten

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I felt bad for Ben, I didn't know what was wrong with him. Wanted to go out there with him and make sure that h was okay. I've known him long enough to knot to just leave him alone, let him be. I felt tortured just thinking about this.

"Honey is that you"

my mom yelled from the kitchen as I walked through the doors. I had this look of sorrow on my face. Today was a long exhausting day. I just wish that today didn't happen.

"yea it's me, Mom"

I tried my best to sound happy, it was hard. I walked into the kitchen where she was. There she was at the counter, her hair was in a mess, and she had a baking apron. She was making brownies, and she had powdered sugar all over her face.

"I know it's a mess sweetie"

she looked around at all the ingredients everywhere except the pan. She had a huge smile on her face, which made me have a smile on my face too. I walked up to the counter where she was and just embraced her in a hug, without saying a word.

"Oh, what is this for?"

she laughed as she hugged me back. All of the loose ingredients on her apron were getting all over my clothes. My mom was a thick woman with brown long hair and a contagious smile.

"everything just been awful?"

I smiled at her as we pulled away.

"you wanna talk about it hon"

she twirled a piece of my hair with a lesser smile knowing that everything bad for me right now. I wanted to tell her so badly, but I knew I couldn't.

"I'm tired, I just wanna go upstairs and lay down"

"Okay, I get it, but change first right?"

she practically joked as her smile returned.


I returned her smile as I walked out of the kitchen. And then it faded, today was so awful. I can't believe they said we were criminals. I would never kill anyone no matter how mad we were. And Nick's face as I walked it, my major question was why was he with the Officer Daniels? Did he really kill Nova Green? I walked upstairs to my bedroom, and laid on my bed. I had this awful gut feeling, like something was off. I hated the thought that Nick might of killed her, I hate the thought that only of these people were killer, they all seemed so nice. But then again it's just that, nice. It's all an act. I laid back on my bed enjoying the coolness of my thin blanket. Everything was a mess. How did everything get this bad this fast. I wanted my best to get my min off of everything. I wanted so bad to just think about anything else but I couldn't. I wanted my anxiety reliefer, but I didn't even know where he was right now, I didn't want to ask either.

My thoughts were cut when I was instantly drawn away by a faint buzzing sound. I looked up, my brown eyes scanning the surroundings, trying to locate the source of the noise. My heart skipped a beat as I realized it was my phone, tucked away in my pocket. Reluctantly I pulled my phone out of my pocket struggling at first. When it was in my hand it was a notification, for the first game of the season for the football team at 7. God I hated football. I also hated anything that normal teenagers do. Games is just a bunch of sweat being thrown everywhere by guys. Which means Abby would be they're, its like a shark and salmon when it comes to her. Ben would be they're to cause Abby and Ben go everywhere, and I could use some good emotions right now, hanging out with them would help me for sure.

Tamyson is gonna be playing to. I sighed as I pulled my lazy butt off of the comfort of my bed. I checked my time, it was a quarter till 7, great. I turned off my bright lights in my room and headed down the stairs rushing. I went in the kitchen where my mom was cleaning up the counter reveling that she was done.

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