Chapter Thirty-Three

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"who's that?"

I asked Tamyson pointing at a pretty girl with black hair and blue eyes in the front bleacher, she was looking right at Tamyson.

"I don't know"

he shrugged it off, not caring about how good-looking she was for a girl.

"Man, it's been months since Olora broke things off with you guys, move on already"

the stupid guys wasn't even budging 

"I'm not interested"

he slopped on the benches in the boys locker room. We were waiting for our que, so we could go on the field, but we were sitting right by the door so we could see some people on the bleachers

"dude she's hot"

Rowan told him trying to help me out

"I'm still not interested guys, how many time do I have to tell you"

he finally snapped at us. I just knew that he missed Olora, and that he was not even mad at us

"okay sure dude"

Rowan and me exchanged matching looks. I sat down on the bench next to Tamyson, he looked upset that we even brought up the topic in the first place. Mabey we should of just stayed quiet in the first place.


the coach yelled as he came into the boys lockers

"you guys are up"

he continued before he walked back to the field. We all stood up off of our seats and we began to walk over to the field, as we entered the arena the girl from before looked at Tamyson and smiled at him, but sadly he was a cruel prune and ignored her, he saw her but he just ignored her. Everyone was chanting for us as we went through, bit by bit the yelling slowly got louder. And then everyone in the bleachers did the wave and becoming even more loud than before. Honestly I didn't even know that people could get that loud. After that the game went by fast, and we ended up winning, it was awesome. 

"bro that was awesome"

I shouted as me and Tamyson did a bro hug

"if it weren't for Rowan getting that last touchdown at the end it we wouldn't have won"

Rowan smiled at the compliment that was thrown his way by Tamsyon


Everyone was getting off of the bleachers and walking around the arena, giving hugs to their boyfriends, congratulating their brothers, nephew, and uncles in the game. We were so lost in everything that we didn't even see the girl from earlier walk up to Tamsyon


she said in a nervous tone. It was obvious and clear that talking to a football player was nerve wrecking


he finally noticed her, and startled to take his football gloves trying his best not to have to talk to her

"you guys were amazing"


he said plainly, with no emotion, part of me wanted to go over to him and hit him. I walked over to him and put my hands on the back of his shoulders and squeezed them as hard as I could

"be nice Tamsyon"

I spoke angrily and not trying to be quiet.

"I'm sorry about my friend here, he's just upset cause his girl broke things off with him"

Rowan smiled politely and came over to us trying to explained things so she wouldn't get mad.

"it's okay, I get it"

she had a sweet smile on her face, like if she wanted to she could make so many friends just by smiling at them.

"I'm Jazmine"

I dig my nails into his shoulder deeper than before causing him to finally smile

"I'm Tamyson, as you probably heard"

he's not flirting but we had to work with this

"what the hell happened to you Nick?"

Tamsyon looked up behind Jazmine. Nick had an eye that was purple and blue, and behind him was Olora

"I don't wanna talk about it"

he said as he walked away


I ran up to her and whispered her name stopping her, Rowan was right with me. Nick stopped once he noticed what was going on.

"do us a favor and tell Tamyson that it's okay to date again"

I pleaded to her praying that she would tell him

"wait, it's okay right?"

Rowan added trying to clarify

"of course it's okay, I've moved on"

wait, moved one, who

"wait who?"

I looked at her hoping right now that she would respond more than ever. She fell silent and just walked over to the back of the girl where Tamsyon could see her. When his eyes were finally on her she pointed at the girl, then she put her thumb up indicating that it was okay to date her. After she was done talking she walked back over to where Nick was


she asked smiling at him. They both turned around

"wait, who were you talking about?'

Rowan shouted to her but she just walked away completely ignoring our questions and curiosity. 

"that was rude"

I looked over at Rowan who now had the same facial expressions on his face. I shrugged my shoulders at Rowan before we went over to the bleachers where Ben stood with Arabela looking for me curiously. When he was turned around and not looking I snuck up behind him and out my arms around him

"well hello"

I laughed kissing his cheek until he finally turned around

"that was amazing"

he smiled at me as he grabbed my hands

"it was all Rowan's doing, he was amazing tonight"

I turned to smile at my buddy Rowan who had the biggest smile on his face. I kissed Ben's hand's before lettings go of his hands.

"hey where's Abby?"

Rowan asked Arabela

"of course you are wondering where Abby is"

I chuckled making fun of Rowans feelings for Abby

"that's just rude"

He crossed his arms at me angry

"hey boys"

Abby said now behind us with Jing

Rowan turned so quickly around 

"where's my brother"

My response to that was just me pointing at him on the field talking to a girl

"does Olora know?"

Abby turned to me curiously

"She's the one who told him it was okay, she said something about her moving on"

"Huh, moving on, did she say with who?"

Jing started speaking like a crazy person

"no, I asked the same thing but sadly she didn't say who it was"

Jing's face immediately changed into a sad face


she sighed before walking back to the spot she was in earlier.

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