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He walked down the hallway without saying anything. I hated this so much, but I knew we just were not meant to be. Me and Tamsyon were just two different from each other. I ran out of that school entrance and let it out, I just cried to myself silently

"Hey, are you okay?"

Abby asked going after me, unaware of what just happened. I turned around to face her, tears rolling down my cheek, with my eyes already red from crying.

"oh honey"

she said as she pulled me into a hug. I cried in her arms for so long getting snot and tears all over her face. I hated this feeling of ever thinking that we could be together, even thought I knew we were to different. She pulled away for a quick moment to look at me

"it's not because of me is it"

she asked moving my hair out of my face that already had tears on it

"we were just to different"

I told her wishing that everything since that party had just been a god awful nightmare. She pulled me back in for a hug, and let me cry. I admit sometimes Abby pissed me off, but when it came down to the matter of fact she was an amazing friend, and was always there for me when I needed it the most. I couldn't count of anyone but her. The bell rang loudly from the speakers outside

"we should go inside"

she said wiping away the last of my tear still on my face.


I smiled weakly at her. I grabbed my sleeve and wiped away the tears that were still on my eye. We walked into the class and ended up walking into Nick and Jing

"oh my god are you okay?"

Jing asked with a concerned look, cause my eyes were still red from crying . Honestly I wanted to tell her, but it's her brother that I technically just broke up with, she would probable be pissed, or wouldn't care that I was hurting. I was hesitating to tell her anything at first, but I knew she would find out eventually, and it would be better if she found out from me.

"technically I just broke up with your brother"

she made a concerned look on her face, then to the look of sorrow.

"I'm sorry"

I didn't expect her to say that, I just broke up with her brother, and she's telling me that she was sorry. I guess I shouldn't have judged her before telling her, she was such an amazing person I don't know why I expected her to be pissed of at me

"I get shit is hard"

this girl seemed to surprise me more and more each day.

"well I have English with Olora"

Nick put his hand out for me to grab it

"shall we"

he said trying to make me laugh but being unsuccessful. I grabbed his hand and we walkd to class together, hand in hand

"are you okay?"

he finally asked me not letting go of my hand

"I think so"

I sighed as we reached the door to our classroom. Just thinking about him made me cry again, a tear rolled down me cheek. Nick wiped away my tear with his thumb

"have to look your best"

he laughed, finally getting me to smile this time

"huh, theirs that smile I love so much"

he said pointing at my smiled.

"After you"

he opened the door and let me go first. Honestly I really don't know how I got so lucky to have a friend like Nick in my life, he was pretty damn amazing. I walked into the classroom feeling the cold breeze of the inside. It was a nice breeze though. I went and took a seat in my spot, on the first seat in the front to the left. I sat down trying my damn hardest not to think about it. The worst part the fact that we had to go talk to Nova's dad tonight, I was gonna be forced to see him, which sucked. I wasn't ready to see him yet, it was to soon. I sat, and sat in my third period just thinking about everything that was bound to come my way. Until the bell rang, it was time, time to go to my last period, the sad part was that I had my last part alone

"are you gonna be okay for your last period?"

Nick asked me sweetly from behind me

"I will be"
Even I knew that was a lie but I knew that I had to put on a brave face, I couldn't let my emotions get the best of me, especially not now, not after everything we've been through, and everything were gonna go through.

"are you sure"

he whispered into my right ear. I got up off of my desk and walked over to his, leaning my arms on his desk looking down at him.

"I'll be fine, I promise"

I could tell he didn't buy, it that was the type of guys he could read past my lies.

"okay, whatever you say"

He stood up and looked at me, god out of all days and this happens today. I picked up my backpack off of my the behind of my chair and put it on my back. I smiled my best at him before walking out of the room. I knew that today was gonna be the hardest day of my life. I hated that that is why I was so sad, I hated that I let myself fall for a guy. I don't do that, I don't date. I walked to my last period, sadly, slumping and walking slow dreading everything. I finally reached my last period P.E, god I hated P.E so much. Whoever decided to create this class to torture innocent kids, had to go to some mental institution, or prison at least, this person can't be running free. I hesitantly walked into this damn class and went straight to the girls locker room. Girls were changing everywhere, into their stupid uniforms that smelt like b.o, and the school didn't even have enough money to get the girls some new gym clothes, the school sucks.

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