Chapter Thirty

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I opened my eyes, I was in a bed I'd never even seen before, I got up as soon as I could to look around, where the hell was I? It was obviously a boy's room, like a teenage boy's room but no one was there. I was on a big gray king bed, but no sign of a person. The door opened finally and Nick walked in with black khaki pants on.

"Morning sleepy head"

he said noticing that I was finally awake. I leaned forward on the bed, my head was hurting so bad when I sat up

"Did we-"

I began but reading my mind he responded before I could finish

"no we didn't have sex"

he said taking his shirt off. Holly shit he was ripped. He noticed that I was looking and just laughed at me, shit my cover is blown I looked away as fast as I could. He put on a yellow work uniform and turned around

"what happened last night?"

"you got drunk, real drunk"

he said buttoning up his work shirt. On the left of his shirt was a name tag that said 'Nick Ramirez'

"well what did I do when I was really drunk?"

he came over to the bed and sat down next to me

"are you sure you wanna know?"

that must mean I did something really bad

"tell me"

I tried my hardest to brace myself for what he was about to say about me. He went quiet for a moment, hesitant at first even

"we didn't have sex, but you tried to"

"I tried to have sex with you"

I said with pure shock in my tone, I wasn't the type of girl to get drunk at a party, and I'm defiantly not the type of girl to get drunk and want to have sex with her friend. My head was hurting so bad right now

"let me guess, your head hurts"

he said practically reading my mind

"how did you do that?"

he laughed at my response, then he walked over to the counter and picked up a bottle. he poured something out of it and handed me them.

'take these"

he said as he grabbed a new water bottle for me to take it. I grabbed it our of his hand and took it

"how do you know so much about hangovers?"

I asked him as he sat down on the same spot that he was at earlier in front of me

"I used to go to parties all the time before last year, I used to get hangovers all the time. The minute he brought up last year it instantly reminded me of Nova, He looked down smiling knowing exactly what I was thinking

"I'm fine, it was a while ago"

he said reassuring me to the best of his capability

"I swear"

he put up his hands as if he were surrendering. I laughed at his dumbness but then I remembered our original conversation

"did you?"

I asked him completely changing the subject, he had a confused look on his face

"did I what?"

"did you and me.. you know"

he smiled a bit whiteout saying anything

"wow do I seem like the type of guy who would take advantage of a drunk girl"

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