Chapter Eighteen

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Nick had this look on his face, this look of fear. It hurt me to see him like that, the messed up part was that only I could read his face. I was the only one who knew the truth about him and Nova. The boys on the other side walked over to use

"what do you guys think it's about?"

Dillan spoke breaking the silence

"isn't it obvious..."

Arabela started

"Nova Green"

she crossed her arms and blurted out.

"you don't really think it's about that do you?"

Rowan asked her looking at her

"she's right Rowan, what else would it be about, he's not that bad boy he used to be before that party"

Ben had shivers down his spine, he had goosebumps all over his body

"do you think they found the video?"

I asked them, forgetting that most of the people standing there have not even heard of the video.

"what video?"

Rowan aske us in fear

"Abby found f video of Nick talking to Nova before she died"

Dillan explained to him, as calmly as possible.

"how could you be so calm Dillan, Nick could of killed my best friend"

she began to speak loudly, angry even,

"he didn't do it"

Arabela looked over at me after saying that

"what's your proof, how do you know he didn't kill her?"

She had this look in her eyes, this look of pure hatred that we all knew about the video and we didn't even tell her. What I knew about Nick and Nova, it wasn't my secret to share, but seeing her face, make that expression I wanted to tell her so badly, I wanted to explain to her what really happened that night instead of letting her continue believing Nick would kill someone, especially her best friend. A tear started to roll down her cheek

"I don't have any, I just now"

She was so pissed that she just walked away without saying anything else

"are you sure?"

Ben asked me, turning and looking it me

"I'm 100% sure"

Nick would never kill the only girl he'd ever loved. Before all of this went down, I'd never cared to pay attention to Nick but I know he's never been with any girl but Nova

"okay, if you say that he didn't do it, I believe you"

Ben smiled at me, I smiled a bit at how much he trusted me

"if he believes you, then I trust you"

Dillan smiled at me

"okay so Nick didn't do it, then who killed her?"

Rowan finally spoke his opinion about all of this.

"guys, do you know what this mean?"

Abby asked us looking at all of us

"We do have to figure out who killed her, after the first time I asked all of you guys and you said no"

Abby said with a smiled

"how can you have a smile on your face Abby?"

sometimes that girl concerned me

"because, then we won't be criminals anymore"

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