Chapter Six

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God Olora is gonna be here any moment now, where is the stupid bathroom? I walked through the make-out hallway, gross, I guess I'm never going in there again. The walls had drinks all over them, god all I wanted was to use the bathroom from all those drinks, I knew I shouldn't have listened to Ben and his suggestion.


I heard a female voice slurring from the open room, it sounded like Arabela

"you need to sit you're not fine"

a familiar males voice told her, it was Rowans voice, why is he helping her. I walked over to the open door, it was the restroom, Rowan was in they're with Arabela's arm around his neck and he set her down on the toilet. He looked up and saw me on the doorstep,

"I was helping here"

he spoke trying to not get yelled at,

"I heard, I know"

He bent down on one knee so he could get a better angle, I pulled out my empty silicone cup and put some water in it.

"drink that"

I said handing it to her to drink, so let me tell you a little bit about Arabela, she's this rich girl, but she's nice, the girl that died the other night, she was Arabela's best friend, so she's hurting.

"I-I miss her, a lo- lot"

was all she managed to get out in between sobs. Rowan put his hand on her back and began to rub it so she stopped sobbing so much,

"you need more water in you Arabela"

she too a sip of her water before starting to cry again. Rowan was different, he was actually being nice, I'd never seen him like this before, so vulnerable, so.. normal.

"it hurts"

she finally looked at Rowan in the eye, then she looked at me, then back at Rowan.

"I know"

he said softly, all I could do was watch.


she asked him with this sad expression on her face.

"I lost my best friend when I was a kid, she died in an accident, it hurt for a while"

Rowan looked at me for a little bit after saying that, then back at her.

"does it ever stop hurting"

Her cheeks we're now tear stained, unlike I'd ever seen before


was all he said, I couldn't even imagine what he was going through, I was so quick to judge him, I hated myself for that. Arabela began to sniffle her mucus from crying. I went to the silver toilet paper and grabbed a piece off of the white thin roll and handed it to her, she grabbed it with her wet hands and blew her nose,

"did you need to pee Abigail?"

she questioned me curiously, while starting to cry less

"I did at first, but not anymore"

We both smiled at each other.

"I don't want to be here anymore"

she cried to Rowan, and then starting to cry hard again and putting her head facing down on the floor

"hey, hey, Arabela I'll take you home"

he lifted her head up so they could make eye contact.


she sniffled again and had a bit of a smile on her face with her eyes filled with tears.

"is it okay?"

Rowan asked me, trying to make sure that I would let him take her home alone.

"go, and make it fast if anyone saw this they would kill both of us"

he smiled at her,
"Come one"
He picked up up the same way he had her before, with her arm around him, then he started to walk to the door, noticing this i moved out out the way for them to go through the door. As they walked he smiled at me and walked away. No can't believe what I just saw, were my eyes playing tricks on me, was I trying so hard go believe that he could be a good guy that my mind made up what I wanted to believe.

L I stood they're for a good moment in shock, unable to believe anything that just happened, and the it hit me, that urge came back, that urge to use the bathroom. I quickly shut the bathroom door locking it behind me and running to the counter and putting my phone down the I sat on the cold. Then I went, bit by bit my relief came more and more. Crap what time is it I spent so long in the bathroom.

I picked up my phone from the counter and checked the time, it was really late. I hurried up going to the bathroom, then ran downstairs to the kitchen going through the make out hallway and sweaty dancing bodies. All of the bodies had they're hair sticking into they're faces from the sweat.
I shouted as I ran through the hallway of people dancing. She was standing at the counter alone on her phone.
"They're you are"
She looked up at me with an angry expression on her face,
"I know, see I went to the restroom and.."
I thought about telling her the truth, but me and Rowan would just get backlash
"The line was really lonely"
I looked next to her and noticed Ben wasn't where he was when I went to use the bathroom
"Where's Ben?"
She put her bulky white phone down on the cold counter And pointed to across the room. I followed where she was pointing, Ben was talking to Dillan, no they weren't just talking they were flirting, like full on flirting, like even Dillan was flirting with him
"Go Ben, I'm so proud of him"
I looked back at Olora and she nodded her head
"I've never been more proud of him in my whole life, he's all grown up"
She laughed
"Wait, the video Abby?!"
Omg I completely forgot about the video, me and Ben were supposed to analyze this together with her, but he was flirting with a jock and the jock was flirting back after him, lightly but I could tell. I didn't want to interrupt Bens flirting, he looked so happy. He was doing the arm punch thing and everything.

I picked up my water bottle that I had left on the counter and drank it, leaning into he cold counter trying to think of what do to next. The water as cold, it was nice and refreshing it was exactly what I needed, I was still trying to actually believe what I saw in the restroom, I was still trying to think of what to do with Ben.

He would be so mad at me if I did it without him, but he would also be so mad at me if I interrupted his flirting with Dillan. I didn't want to be the person who ruined his chance with a closeted football player, football players are good game, in both ways, is should've known I used to date one.
"Do you need help thinking Abby?"
Olora asked me from the counter trying to help me,
"No, you couldn't,"
I didn't see her reaction, I was still looking over at my friend
"The video Abby?"
She asked me yet again, but I hardly heard her, I probably should've listened better.

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