Chapter Fourteen

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I took another sip of my punch from my red cup, it was cold, refreshing. Say So was playing in the background, I wasn't paying any attention thought, my mind was on other things. My mind was on Ben. Part of me hoped I would see Ben there, part of me hoped I wouldn't

"tonight's gonna be a killer night man"

Tamyson reassured me, sometime he'd be optimistic, but only when he wanted to.

"yea dude"

I tried to put on my best fake smile but the only reason why he was happy was that he had a date unlike me. That is when my heart skipped a beat, it almost stopped, and my chest got tight. There he was, standing on the doorstep with the rest of his friends. And the minute that he walked in the door the music stopped, and it started playing 'Someone to Stay' by Vancouver. Just seeing him there, he looked so good in a tux. Every cell in my body was telling me to go after him and admit it but I Didn't want to. Everyone who was by his side went they're separate ways, doing whatever they do. Abby and Olora were the only two who were next to him. Then we locked eyes, at this point, I was fighting so hard. 

I'm not gay, I'm not gay I kept telling myself praying it word work. Dang it. I turned to Tmayson

"I need to tell you something"

I said struggling to even get my word out

"what's up, dude?"

He had a concerned look on his face

"I'm g-''

I started but I just stumbled over my words, this was hard to say it

"Take your time Dillan"

Tamyson said

"I liked Ben"

I finally spit it out, it felt nice to say it. His facial expressions went from worried to a smile

"I'm happy for you dude, really am"

Honestly, I didn't expect him to be that okay with it, I thought he would be grossed out, but I was wrong about that. 

"what now Tamyson?"

I questioned him. He just looked over at Ben

"go get you man Dillan"

He smiled at Ben, then back at me. Without a second thought, I walked over to him. walking through all the dancing bodies, all the grinding, all the heel and leather. Everyone at this point still smelt like cologne and perfume, it was too early in the prom for them to be sweating. He and his friends noticed I walk walking up to me and they just watched me with their eyes until I finally reached him.


He said in a sort of mad manner. I looked down for a moment then back at him

"you were right Ben"

he had a confused expression on his face

"right about what?"

He asked straight forward, 

"I like you"

was all I said not giving him a chance to react before I leaned in and kissed him. He was surprised at first but then he kissed back His lips were soft, I put my hand on his chin. Time stopped moving. The music that was playing was the prefect music. I had been waiting for this moment for a long while. And then I pulled away, after what was the best kiss that I'd ever had in my life. The minute we pulled apart Ben had the biggest smile on his face, his smile is cute. Then I looked over at Abby and Olora, they were both smiling proud of him. He had had this look on his face


I asked him normally still smiling from our kiss.

"that was my first kiss, you were my first kiss"

Olora and Abby have literally been watching us this whole time with huge grins

"does that make me special?"

I asked with a grin on my face.


"well if I'm so special dance with me"

I asked putting out my hand for him to grab it,

"in front of everyone?"

he sounded concerned, like I even cared about that


his faced immediately eased up when i said that. He then turned his head to Abby and Lora and asked permission with his eyes.

"go dance Ben"

Olora said sweetly. Ben turned his head back to me and grabbed my hand. I led him to the dance floor hand in hand, not caring who saw us.  We walked through the bodies, everyone was staring at us but I didn't care, I was to in the moment to care. I was to happy. I led him right in the middle of the dance floor where everyone could see us. It was an amazing moment. I looked into his eyes while they twinkled as he looked at me. Time didn't move, the light were on us, the music was the right music, everything was perfect in this moment. I'd never felt more happy in my whole life. I'd always wondered why I never liked anyone. I didn't think it was because I'm gay. I never would of guessed but now that I know I'm happy that I know.

"what are you thinking?"

he asked me sweetly, with a smile, that same sexy smile.


his smile got bigger at my response,

"I don't know what I'm doing Dillan"

"Yea I know you've stepped on my foot three time already I think"

I made a face at him. He rolled his eyes at my lame joke,

"what I thought it was funny"

"that's why it's not funny, but you're hot though so it makes up for it"

I made a hurt face

"is that all I'm good for, looks"

"yes, and your probably good in bed to"

then it hit me, if I was his first kiss, he'd probably never had sex before.

"well I guess you'll just had to wait and see"

I said with a smirk on my face

"okay, I look forward to that"

I smiled at him, then leaned in and kissed him again, this time longer than before. It felt right, to be able to kiss him. It wasn't like the other night at the party, this was the person I wanted to be kissing, and I was happy, so very happy.  Like I'd never been. Everyone was watching us as we kissed, all the guys... all the girls, I didn't care though. I just kissed him passionately. 

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