Chapter Twenty-Four

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"really Abby?"

I asked her furious at her. I got up and walked after her, trying to catch up to her. My ankle was still in pain but I couldn't let her go


I shouted as I followed her outside to the hallway. There she was, leaning on the blue school lockers about to cry with her fingers on the temples of her head. I know how much she hated attention like that. I walked over to her and just pulled her into a hug, without saying anything. She pushed me away after a few seconds

"you and me, we don't work"

she began swinging her hands in the air as she talked

"what are you talking about?"

I asked her concerned

"you and I, were just two different, I hate attention, you are constantly surrounded by it"

tears began to fall like a river now, I wanted nothing more than to hug her, to hold her in my arms and tell her that everything would be okay, to comfort her but I knew I couldn't. It hurt me to see her cry right now, it always hurt me to see her cry.

"whatever's happening between me and you, It needs to stop, I can't be with you"

she began to pace in a tiny line brushing her hands through her hair. I felt like I'd just been stabbed by a knife, I couldn't live in a world where I would have to be in front of her and not be able to kiss her, I just couldn't.

"Is that what you really want Olora?"

I asked her, a part of me was afraid of the truth, afraid of what she's going to say next. 


she said struggling to speak between her crying.


I said walking away holding back my tears. God what would I do, I was now in so much pain mentally and physically. All I wanted to do was kiss her and make it feel better. I walked around the lockers and just fell down the wall, and there it went my first tear. I hood footsteps coming from down the hallway. I was kind of praying that it was Olora, but it was just Rowan and Dillan.

"what happened man?"
Dillan asked leaning down so he could talk to me

"she said we couldn't be together"

a small part of me really hated that I was crying in front of my boys right now. It was an awful feeling. 

"I'm sorry man

Rowan put his hand on my shoulder leaning down onto his knees' just like Dillan was doing

"it's okay to cry"

Dillan began

"If me and Ben broke up I would be crying to"

he continued. He looked at me with this look of deep sorrow


A woman's voice shouted at us scaring the shit out of us. I tried to wipe my tears as fast as I could before looking up to see who it was. It was the freaking school councilor Mrs. Jones

"what are you boys doing out here at this moment?"

fear flooded through my veins for what she was about to say. More fear than hearing what Olora had to say a few minutes ago, I wonder if she is still standing there at this moment.

"class is about to start, scram"

she said letting us off the hook and smiled. We all stood up faster than anything

"we'll go right now Mrs. Jones"

Rowan reassured her putting on a fake smile

"thank you"

she said proudly as she walked away. Rowan turned to me after the councilor walked away

"As much as I would love to finish this conversation I have a big math test"


I said before he could say anything else

"I'm sorry again"

he said sincerely as he walked away to math class. I was so thankful I had my next class with Dillan, and it made me feel a bit better that it was P.E so I could throw something around angrily and let out my anger and sadness. We walked over to the boys locker and went inside. They were boys everywhere, they were changing into their proper P.E clothes. The sad part was that all I could think about was Olora, and I hated myself for this feeling. I pulled out some proper clothes and put them on. After I was dressed I was ready to blow off some steam. 

"okay class"

the teacher began as we all stood in a line. He walked in front of use back in forth, going from one end of the line, to the other end. 

"today were playing dodgeball"

he said as he picked up a clip board with some sort of paper on top of it. Saying god knows what on it.

"everyone get chose you side, but make it even"

he stopped and watched as everyone went to their sides.

"left or right?"

Dillan asked me turning and looking at me

"your choice, I'll go wherever you go"

he walked over to the right side of the room and I followed him to the closest spot of the line, so we could get a good views. Without saying anything coach went over to the left side of the room and counted all of the people who were standing their. Then when he was done he walked over to the right side of the room and started to count all of the people to make sure it was even. Once he was done counting he went back to the spot where he was at earlier in the end of the line, then he grabbed his clip bored and looked at it. He picked up his whittle with his empty hand and blow it loudly. All hell let loose and everyone went crazy trying to get the ball. Without thinking I ran to the nearest red ball I could find and threw it hard at some black kid in the corner getting him out instantly. I felt so proud of myself, I felt a rush of adrenaline. and I remembered why I did this in the first place, it felt good again to stop thinking about Olora for once. Someone threw the ball at me but missed, I grabbed the ball that missed and his them getting them out.

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